Finding An Old Bulletin…

(hint:  the “bulletin blooper” is in this article, but it will be VERY hard to find!  You might have to talk with someone from the older generations to figure it out)

As I will share in the service this morning, during the recent transformation of the library into the new nursery, Doug Jacobsma, Property Chair, pulled an old bulletin out of the ceiling.  The bulletin was folded into the shape of an airplane, so we are assuming that it belonged to Harold Ver Steeg who was 13 at that time.  We have enjoyed reading the bulletin, and our worship order this morning will be mostly based on what they did back then.  Our theme for today is the fifth commandment, “Honor Yer’ Ma & Pa” (cowboy version), and we can do that by experiencing worship how it was when our parents and grandparents were younger in their faith.

The following information will give you a snapshot of what was going on when this bulletin was printed.  First of all, the service took place on March 28, 1971. According to, the high that day was 44 and the low was 27, and there was no precipitation.  What was happening in the world?  The night before, UCLA won its 5th consecutive NCAA basketball championship.  The Benny Hill Show was tops on television, and “Bridge Over Troubled Water” won a Grammy.  There were countless headlines related to Vietnam, and the USSR was testing nuclear weapons.

What was going on in ARC during that time?  Enjoy a few announcements and lists of those serving:

  • This Sunday has been set by Minnesota Classis as a Day of Prayer for our prisoners of war.
  • Those whose last name begins with “D” are reminded to write a letter to our 6 members in the service.
  • Alvin Veldkamp (Shirley) has been received into membership…from Carmel Reformed.
  • Mrs. Dale Bosch (Karen) has asked for the transfer of her membership to Valley Springs.
  • The Steen RCYF invites everyone to hear THE SPURLOWS, a singing group from Grand Rapids.
  • Young people will be interested in knowing that the Bible Quiz has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 24 at 7:30 in Edgerton.


CONSISTORY – The Rev. Paul B. Caley, President

ELDERS                                                           DEACONS

John Oolbekkink, Clerk    1971           John Klay, General Fund Treasurer    1971

Cornelius Tilstra    1971                       Gradus Bouman, Building Fund Treasurer    1971

Louis Cleveringa    1972                      Ralph Petersen, Chairman of Deacons    1972

Norman Ver Steeg, VP    1972            James Vink, Financial Secretary    1972

Sam Renes    1973                               Morris Van Peursem, Benevolence Treas.    1973

Melvin Wynia    1973                            Harold Vande Berg    1973


          CHURCH STAFF

Organists  –  Mrs. H. Franken, Mrs. R. Petersen, Mrs. H. Jacobsma

Sunday School Superintendent  –  Melvin Wynia

Sunday School Superintendent  –  Mrs. Andrew Fikse

Custodian  –  Charles De Jongh

Head Usher  –  James Veldkamp

Church Secretary  –  Mrs. James Veldkamp


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