Not a Stupid Question

One thing I enjoy about meeting new people is listening to their stories. Often times at the checkout counters of various shopping places I will play the undercover boss and ask the cashier if they enjoy what they are doing, or if the place they are working is a good place to work. And then if I have enough time and the cashier doesn’t seem totally annoyed by me, I like to ask this zinger: Do you feel you are fulfilling the purpose for which God created you?

I’ve also discovered that asking that question will get all kinds of reactions, all the way from “I don’t have a purpose” to a frustrated cashier I recently encountered who replied, “That was a stupid question.” To which I loving replied, “Then I guess that’s a no?”

And how about you, would you say you are fulfilling the purpose for which God created you? Not sure? I guess before you can answer that question, you’d have to know the answer to these questions? Do you believe God created mankind with a purpose? And if so, what is it?

Now, I realize most people really don’t care if they fulfill the purpose for which God created them, but if you are one of those people who aren’t clear about your purpose and would like to know, I am inviting you to join us at the Purposeful Living Retreat this weekend. The retreat is right here at ARC on Friday night, January 15 from 7:00-9:30 and Saturday, January 16 from 8:30-2:30.

The Purposeful Living Retreat is a personal renewal process designed to allow you to hear God speak into your life and bring focus to how you live. Out of this process will emerge God’s unique calling on your life which will be helpful in aligning yourself more closely with God’s plan.

Although our purpose is the same, our calling will be different. And just to help you get an idea of what you can expect from the retreat I am sharing my purpose and calling statement with you.


My Biblical Purpose Statement: “I exist to glorify God through a fully surrendered life which is reflected in devotion to loving him and others.”

My Core Values:

Knowing God – He desires a love relationship with me; apart from him I can do nothing.

Integrity–Desiring to become all that God created me to be, I seek to engage my mission field full of grace and truth.

Fishing for men – I am always looking for an opportunity to recruit someone to experience the joy of community life in the kingdom of God.

Discipleship – I desire to help people grow in living and loving like Jesus.

Leadership development – I will strive to help identify, equip, and empower others to become spiritual leaders.

Prayer – I will seek to work in cooperation with the Holy Spirit as he releases his power in my life and in this world.

Life-long learning – I will do whatever it takes to become more faithful and fruitful. I will explore and develop the use of my spiritual gifts and talents.

My Personal Mission Statement: “My mission is to help those in my circle of influence discover that peace with God can only be found in an intimate relationship with Christ which is lived out through a lifestyle of joyful worship and faithful service in preparation for heaven.”


For more details about the retreat, or to sign up, please feel free to contact me by Tuesday, January 12. May God give you the desire to fulfill the purpose for which He created you. It’s not a stupid question!

Thy kingdom come,

Mike Altena


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