Life Group Transformation

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.”  -Margaret Mead

Isn’t it crazy that we humans simultaneously fear and crave relationships?  We are hard-wired to want to know others and be known by them, but due to the vulnerability and sacrifice required to invest in deep relationships we often opt out.  I believe ARC is called to be counter-cultural in this area, and in so doing we will shine the light of Christ.  We will foster authentic, transformational relationships, and build a network of life groups who change the community and the world!  Through life groups we can:

*Disciple each other- We all have spiritual gifts designed to help each other grow closer to Christ.

*Care for each other- When hard times come, we need other believers to surround us with prayer.

*Build community- Life Groups are not just Bible studies.  We share life and build lasting friendships.

*Be missional- We often talk about being a “missionary to our circle of influence” at ARC.  Our goal is to begin to do this increasingly through life groups so we can foster encouragement and accountability.

*Grow our Church- Disconnected people in our church will be more likely to stay and grow if they are invited into a life group.  Also, many unchurched people who aren’t comfortable attending a worship service may be interested in visiting a life group to discover more about Jesus.

*Be transformed- Sunday worship is very important in a believer’s life, but personal transformation will mainly happened in the loving laboratory of a life group.

Currently we have about 80 ARC adults who regularly attend a life group.  This probably puts us around the neighborhood of 20% participation.  The Life Group Leadership team and the Consistory are praying and believing that we could significantly increase that number in the years ahead, and as we do so we will see greater impact on personal lives of ARC attenders as well as impact on the community and the world.

What is stopping us from fully embracing this proven method for growth?  The biggest excuse we all have is lack of time.  The problem with that excuse is that it works off of the assumption that God is calling us to ADD life groups to our already busy schedule.  Remember when Jesus called the disciples to leave everything and start a life group that eventually changed the world?  They cleared off their entire schedule to make that work!  I don’t think God is asking us to do that, because many of the activities in which we engage will be our open door for missional outreach.  However, God may be calling us all to sacrifice one or two things that will not be as eternally significant as being in community with other believers and seekers.  Will you make a sacrifice in faith that God will use your life group to change you and the world?

This fall we will launch the “Grow and Go” campaign at ARC which will give you a great opportunity to join or lead a life group.  I believe God is planning great things for us.  Begin praying now, ARC!

Cory Grimm


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