
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

These are a few words from the story of creation. More specifically, the part of creation God said was “very good.” We have all probably heard and read this verse countless times in our lives. Even the youngest among us hear these words at a very early age in Sunday School. Yet, even with its familiarity, it took a while for a portion of this verse to really grab my attention and pause for deep thought and consideration. You and I were created “in the image of God”. It is pretty incredible to sit and think about how the creator of all things has created you in His image.

Not only were you and I made in God’s image, everyone we encounter has been made in His image and is loved by Him. Each of us is created to reflect the character of our Creator and we are all valued by Him. No one should ever be degraded, belittled, or cursed. James 3 says “9With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. 10Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? 12My brothers and sisters, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water.” People are precious to God, and at times our words are right and pleasing to God, glorifying His image. At other times, because of our sin nature, our words are destructive and hurtful to God’s very own masterpiece.

In youth group we recently talked about how we label people in a variety of ways. Everyone shared positive and negative labels we have given or received on little pieces of paper and placed them on a board. As a group, we reflected on these labels and how they make us feel, and even how easy it can be to place labels on people we encounter. One individual shared of how she caught herself labeling a lady in a store as she judged her because of the things she was saying to the clerk. Another recalled, on our mission trip to Benton Harbor, how they had labeled a group of residents “lazy” as they watched us clean up their neighborhood. When we sorted all of our little papers into categories of “Negative” and “Positive” we were surprised to learn how much easier it seemed to be to come up with negative rather than positive labels for others. Much like it seemed easier to place a negative label on the board, we are also quick to believe the negative labels others put on us.

As we continued to discuss our topic, the verse above from Genesis 1 popped into my head. I shared the verse with the group and reminded them we are all made in God’s image. Which left us to consider, if we wouldn’t label God with these negative labels, why would we do it to others? And as children of God, why would we believe the hurtful labels others place on us?

Have you ever stopped to consider we are all made in his image? As you encounter others, I challenge you to look at them through the eyes of our Heavenly Father – Holy and dearly loved by the Creator of all things.

Becky Ossefoort


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