When I was a child, I was told by the year 2000 we would have flying cars and all sorts of other out of this world items. Here we are in 2018 and I am still waiting for a flying family sedan. I find it somewhat entertaining to revisit the things I was told as a child that would “completely change the world.” Take the internet for instance. When I was in junior high, our computer teacher told us our assignment for the day was to type an email to the President of the United States of America. The teacher had my full attention and I was ready to see how it worked because I had never sent an email or visited the World Wide Web. We watched the teacher go to a closet and flip a switch. Suddenly the whole class could hear a new noise with a series of techy “boings,” static, and screeches. (If you have ever used dial up internet services, you know exactly what I am talking about.) Several minutes later the noise stopped and our class was given a new assignment because the computer was unable to make a connection. I recall turning in my chair thinking this internet thing is such a joke; it will never amount to anything. Now, several years later, it makes me chuckle to know I carry the internet around in my back pocket. Turns out it did amount to something and eventually grew into something huge!
Reflecting can be a good and healthy way to look towards the future. I often even find motivation from my reflecting because I am able see where I started and how far I have come. Mike’s message on Sunday challenged us to reflect on our year and find areas of growth and perhaps point out spaces in our life we could work on in the New Year. I do not believe his challenge was meant to upset us or belittle our lack of growth, but rather help highlight and motivate us to bring health to those parts of our spiritual life we have maybe neglected.
There are several ways to grow a deeper, stronger connection with our Heavenly Father. We can count on God to be at the center of our growth because He lives within us and is always actively growing us from the inside out. When we develop and work on a spiritual discipline, all efforts will be richly rewarded as we spend time seeking the Father’s face. Another idea is finding an accountability partner. Oftentimes when someone wants to change a habit, they find a friend to help them achieve their goal. I had someone reach out just recently that is looking to strengthen her walk with the Lord and wants someone to journey alongside her. When one wants to grow deeper in their spiritual life, we surround ourselves with others who faithfully study God’s Word and seek His guidance in everything.
I pray this is the year for you to find a stronger connection with your Father in Heaven so when you look in the mirror a year from now you will find an even sharper reflection of who you were created to be. May the new image looking back at you be a person who is not as easily angered when things do not go as planned, one who can find a fresh dose of patience when you have had enough, and a person with a great amount of peace even in the midst of trial.
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” 2 Corinthians 5:17. May it be so of each of us that we set out to grow a strong connection with our Father in Heaven as we become an even greater reflection of our Savior in 2018.
Becky Ossefoort