On Wings Like Eagles

Have you noticed any bald eagles around your area recently? I have heard several sightings of these magnificent creatures in the last months. As a child it was truly a special moment to see one in its natural habitat, since they were becoming a scarce species. It would seem as though the laws of protection have worked as we now see them more often.

Since last fall, our family has had the privilege to watch a pair of bald eagles in our grove. We have lovingly named them “Fred and Wilma,” as though they are part of the family. Josh and I were certain they would leave when temps dipped as low as they did, but they are still around perched high in the treetops. The unfrozen creek nearby must be a good source of food for them. Although, Austin witnessed a squirrel run like crazy across the field to avoid the outstretched talons going after the little fuzzy creature. Half way across the section Josh discovered a huge nest in a small group of trees, so we are looking forward to some eaglet sightings later this year. Since bald eagles tend to come back to the same nest, we may be lucky enough to witness these sightings for several years to come.

Most of you probably know eagles are very intelligent creatures with a great amount of strength and incredible wing span. Since Fred and Wilma’s arrival to the Ossefoort Ranch we have been doing a little research about our feathered companions. We have learned bald eagles have about a 20 year life expectancy, build enormous nests, and the females are larger than the males. I was surprised to learn that an eagle can actually sense a storm before it comes and prepares itself by flying high in the sky. As the storm hits, they lock their wings and soar. The winds of the storm actually lift them up above the chaos below. Because their wings are locked in an outstretched position with no flapping, they actually burn very little energy and are able to allow the storm to pass before resting. While the eagle cannot avoid the storm, they use the wind to protect themselves.

In John 16, we hear Jesus telling the disciples we would experience trouble in this world. (vs. 33) Those difficulties and storms of life seem to come in all different shapes and forms. We live on a planet where everything is unstable and could disappoint at any time. We experience things not going as we had planned, death, and not to mention a very real enemy who actively seeks to destroy. The storms of life are unavoidable and we each will encounter them along the journey of life, even as a Christian.

28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:28-31

Like the eagle, we too can soar above the storms of life, rather than be sucked into the disorder and confusion below. We prepare for the storm by spending time with Jesus daily where we learn to trust Him and discover His love and faithfulness. Only then are we able to understand that same love, faithfulness, and trust when uncertainty comes our way. Because of our salvation in Him, we can put our hope in the Lord who will hold us upright and renew our strength. When we are able to trust God through all things, we do not grow weary or stumble and fall. Instead, we are able to spread our wings and soar above the storm, experiencing renewal and peace, as we are lifted up by our Father in Heaven.

Spreading my wings,

Becky Ossefoort



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