Rock Tumbler

A couple of months ago, a friend stopped in my office wondering if I could use a few craft supplies she had come across at home. As she listed off the items she wanted to share, she mentioned she had some polished rocks that her children had put through their rock polisher years ago. I commented how I had always wanted a rock polisher as a kid, but never had one. A few days later she delivered the little ‘treasures’ including the polished rocks. (no rock polisher) 🙂

Several weeks later, my friend appeared outside the door to my office. She had a package in her hands and a smile on her face. After working at Justice For All she came across a new rock polisher and she thought about me. I couldn’t wait to try it out! I was like a little kid after opening her birthday presents! Like all good women, I read the directions. Much to my disappointment, as I read, it became very clear that these little polished stones were going to take nearly 3 weeks of continuous turning, washing, tumbling… definitely not what I was expecting. I wanted the pretty polished rocks quicker than that.

Much like the rocks in the tumbler, we are tossed around in this world with different adventures both large and small. Some of the experiences are joyful, like when we welcome a new baby into the family. The precious, little child we hold in our arms is a beautiful creation and gift from our Father in Heaven. The joy of getting to know that child and raising them to know our Lord is amazing. I’m not a perfect parent and there are some things I would maybe do a little differently with my children, but I wouldn’t delete any of the experiences we have journeyed through together.

Sometimes as we are being polished, it hurts. We often would rather skip over these portions of our life. Times of sickness, bitterness, sorrow, depression, forgiving others… The list can go on and on. As my sister-in-law battles cancer, I want her to be healed of this disease. But, do I want her to miss the realization of the power of her mighty God? Not for one moment.

1 Peter 5:10 says, “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered for a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.”

Friends, God doesn’t promise us a life full of consistent joy, peace and happiness. According to Google, we have an average of 80 years on this Earth. Seems like a pretty good amount of time, but in the grand scheme of things, it is just moments. Moments we can spend seeking our Father’s face or doing things our own way. Sometimes I stumble, but God is always there watching over me, teaching me something and most of all extending His hand for me to hold on to and just trust Him.

Suffering for a little while… Like waiting for those tiny stones to be made beautiful ,we too need these times in life. God is polishing and refining us to be perfect masterpieces when we arrive in Heaven someday. He uses these earthly moments, both joyful and painful, to make us fully and completely His.



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