A Good Trade

Are you a trader? A trader might seem like an “occupation” of days gone by and remind you of The Little House on the Prairie. And while most of us aren’t trading animal skins for groceries, or manual labor for building supplies, there are still many things that we trade even in the modern era which we live.

In its simplest form, a trade is an act of exchanging one thing for another. Instead of exchanging some farm fresh eggs for a new pair of shoes, most often we trade our wares for dollars and cents. We trade our time and skills for an honest wage; we trade our products and services for a deposit in the bank. Athletes are traded to other teams in hopes of a winning season and big profits, and salesman make deals to trade cars and trucks. Many things are also traded apart from financial gain. Friends trade phone numbers, homemakers trade recipes, kids trade baseball cards and friendship bracelets. Brides trade their last name for their husband’s, new mothers trade in sleep for time spent with snuggling babies.

So what makes a good trade? That depends! What might seem like the deal of a lifetime to one person wouldn’t cause someone else to take a second look. A good trade depends on the viewpoint of the parties involved. A good trade means that the value of what you are getting is better than what you gave up.

In our competitive culture, we seem to have a constant craving for something better. We strive to get the upper hand when it comes to our careers, possessions, sports, and hobbies no matter what or who stands in the way. At times we trade in morals and character for a promotion or a bigger paycheck. But at what point do we say it’s not a good trade?

In Isaiah 43:4 God says, “Others were given in exchange for you. I traded their lives for yours because you are precious to me. You are honored and I love you.” Although these original words were spoken to the nation of Israel, they grabbed my attention. It is extremely humbling to even consider that I might have been chosen over another. What if someone gave their life that I might live? What if somebody on earth was asked to trade their days in early so that I would hear a wake up call before it was too late? Even more, in light of eternity, what if I was to spend forever with Jesus because someone exchanged their spot at the table for mine?

Which leads me to wonder, if someone else’s life really was given in exchange for mine, would the way I am living and the person who I am prompt anyone to think that it was a good trade? Jesus tells us in John 15 that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend; to trade places with them. Jesus made the ultimate trade. He exchanged the glories of heaven and perfect harmony with the Father for thirty-three years on this sin-filled earth in a fragile human body. The Creator traded places with His creation. And he did it all out of his great love for us.

So how about you? Are you a good trade? Are you letting the ransom that was traded for you go to waste, or are you seeking to honor and glorify the One who traded his life for yours?

May it not be said of us that we were a bad trade.

Erin Jacobsma


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