Since becoming a mother I have experienced many emotions while watching my children grow up. I’m not sure one is ever completely prepared for any of those feelings as different situations arise. It sure would be nice to just box up time and keep our children little. Yet, that’s not the purpose God has for them, or us.
Just the other day in the school drop-off lane I experienced something new that left me speechless and perhaps a bit sad. Now, my son is growing up and would prefer I not give him a big kiss in the school parking lot, and I choose to respect that – most of the time. J As I was dropping him off at school I said “Have a great day. I love you!” I waited for a response as he stepped out of the car but there was none. Thinking he had not heard me, I repeated “I love you!” just a little louder than before. Just as I did, he turned his head a bit and I noticed huge dimples and a smile on his face. Oh, he had heard me alright, but refused to verbally acknowledge what I had said. I was a bit surprised and even a little hurt when I realized my little boy is not so little anymore, and saying “I love you” to your mom is not so cool when your buddies are around. Little does he know the dimples and smile was just enough to avail my need for his affection that morning.
As I pondered what had happened, I felt a twinge of conviction as I drove away from the curb. I began to think about my relationship with my Creator, I wondered if I do the same thing to Him at times? How often do I withhold my sentiments of love, adoration and praise from Him? Does He experience the same emotions of hurt and sadness when I suppress my affection from Him?
One way I have found to show my adoration and love for the Father is to pray scriptures. There is really nothing like using God’s very own words to glorify Him. As I do so, I find myself aligned with His heart and full of praise for whom He is, not just what He does for me. Just this week as I was doing my morning devotions I found myself peering out the window, completely overcome by the beauty and variety of ways God is still creating. The newness of spring and the loveliness of the green grass, chirping of birds high in the trees, and bright green buds poking out their heads from branches grabbed my attention. I thought to myself, “Only my God can create so much beauty through one small window.” I flipped the pages in my Bible and allowed God’s words to help me praise and express my love for Him. I quickly found myself completely overwhelmed by His Sovereignty and love for all His creation.
So, even though my experience in the drop-off lane at school was a bit painful, I am thankful for it. The experience was a gentle reminder to examine how I speak my love to my Heavenly Father and to include more prayers of adoration and thanksgiving in my prayer time. Our lives are all busy, and our days are constantly filled with noise. But when we find a quiet place to pray and praise Him, we are able to connect and find ourselves drawn closer to Him. And when we choose to put ourselves and other distractions aside and spend time admiring Him from deep within our heart, it is amazing how He speaks.
What a Mighty God we serve!
Becky Ossefoort