ARC Youth Praise Band

Introducing…The ARC Youth Praise Band!!!

As most of you are aware this past school year we have had the chance to allow many members of the middle school and high school youth group to begin experimenting with leading worship as a part of various praise teams on Wednesday nights. It has been a thrill to see the teens taking on this challenge with a real passion in their hearts, and how the other members of the youth group have gradually given themselves more and more to worship as a result. This summer we will be taking a group of these young people “on the road” to lead worship and share testimonies at various events around the community and region.

Beginning this Monday, May 19th, the students will meet each afternoon for a full week to receive intense training in music, worship, personal faith, and prayer. They will also learn how to effectively share their testimony both with a large group and one-to-one. Over the course of the following weeks we will continue to rehearse and will also engage in team-building retreats which will combine work projects, worship, and other activities designed to enhance unity and faith on the team.

The youth team would like to ask all of the members of ARC to support them with prayer and encouragement as they take their faith to the streets this summer. This will take a lot of courage, and we expect God to do great things! We will keep you informed of the events as they are scheduled and would love to see you there! Below are the ones we currently have on the schedule…

June 18 (W)  ARC Picnic & Praise   5:30-8 PM

July 17 (TH)  Hot Dog Night (Wiener Dog Race)   6:15 PM-?

July 21-25 (M-F)  Worship @ Inspiration Hills   all day

August 31 (Su.)  Worship @ ARC   9:30AM

Other engagements we have in the works include leading worship at the State Park, Farmer’s Market, and the Southwestern Youth Center. If you have other suggestions for community events where we could share some music, please let me know!

Cory Grimm, Worship & Outreach Director


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