Value and Purpose

Over the past couple of months, during my free time, I have enjoyed watching the old television show “Battlestar Gallactica,” which ran from about 2004-2009 on Amazon Prime.  By this time you all know I am pretty nerdy, but this article should add even more depth to that reality.  I’ve always claimed I refuse to watch Star Trek, and that is where I draw the line of geekiness, but this show is pretty much the same thing under a different title.

The first episode dispenses with any sort of build-up or character development and throws you right into the middle of a crazy battle between Battlestar Gallactica, her sister ships, and the hordes of Cylons who are bent on eliminating the human race.  Over time you gather the main plot, which is fairly typical, that at some point human beings created artificial intelligence, the robots took over and nuked all the planets where humans live, blah blah blah…  Now there are a little less than 50,000 people left, and they are living on the run throughout the whole universe.

The reason I bring this show up is because of the deep questions it asks as the story develops.  It is no coincidence that the main character is named Commander Adamas, who is referred to by the crew simply as “the old man.”  In many ways he represents them all, just as Adam represents the human race in the Bible.  Probably the main question posed by this series is this:  After all the pain and suffering human beings have caused each other over the years and inflicted on the environment around them, do they even deserve to be saved from destruction?  If so, for what purpose?  Throughout the course of the series, this question is asked in different forms by humans and Cylons (robots who look like humans) alike.  Through an ironic twist, it is only through the suffering the people undergo that some of them come to believe in the One True God.

In a similar way God has wrestled with the problem of our unfaithfulness and destructive tendencies on many occasions.  The most obvious example was during the time of Noah, when human beings had become so corrupt that He decided to start over with one faithful family.  Later, after God made his promise to Abraham and his descendants, there were many times He almost gave up on them as well.  He offered to start over through Moses’ line (Exodus 32:12-14), He allowed Israel to be captured and carted off to Assyria (II Kings 17:5-6), and the nation of Judah eventually was dispersed to Babylon (II Kings 25:11).  Even in the history of the Christian church you can make a case that various branches of the faith strayed so far away that God eventually just let them go.

As Easter approaches, however, we can be encouraged by the truth that despite our lack of faithfulness, God remains faithful, and he sees value and purpose in us even when we don’t see it in ourselves.  The ultimate proof is sending Jesus into the world to offer us redemption through His shed blood on the cross and the power of His resurrection, and partnership in building His kingdom until He returns.  So whether we find ourselves in a time of peace and prosperity and possibly drifting from the faith, a time of persecution when we are on the run and calling out to God, or somewhere in between, may we find our value and purpose in our identity as God’s beloved children.

Cory Grimm


What’s Got Your Attention?

Last week during our welcome and call to worship I shared briefly the story about the young man who got rich buying into Bitcoin. (Although we found out we are all rich, right!) I’ve probably had more comments and questions on that welcome than most other ones, so I want to share a little bit more of that story and application for you to think about this week.

The young man’s name is Erik Finman, now age 19, and you can google him and read his complete story from many different sources. It turns out I had a few of the details wrong. Erik was lucky, but that wasn’t the complete story. He also has a lot of entrepreneurial spirit in him. Seven years ago he received a gift of $1,000 from his grandmother, and he used it to buy his first 100 bitcoins. Again, I won’t take the time to explain what Bitcoin is, exactly, and I’m not even sure I could. The main idea is that it is an online, encrypted currency that claims to be able to protect itself from the other threats to regular currency such as theft, deterioration, and counterfeiting. However, detractors such as Warren Buffet, tell us cryptocurrency has no real value and could implode at any moment… so I don’t suggest risking your savings on it!

Eric watched the value of his investment grow, and finally he sold the bitcoins for $1,200 each, or over $100,000 after taxes. Then he launched his own online-education company, called Botangle, and later sold it for 300 more bitcoins. Today he has 401 to his name, and his net worth is close to $4 million. Although both of his parents are Stanford-educated doctors, he made an agreement with them that if he was a millionaire before turning 18, he wouldn’t have to go to college. He won. Now he spends time giving advice to other young people about investing, as well as collaborating with NASA on a future project.

I have my own story along these lines on a much smaller scale. Back in 2008 when the markets were in major turmoil due to the mortgage crisis and other issues, I had saved up about $6,000 and decided to try my hand at online investing. The volatility was off the charts that year, so it was possible to buy a stock in danger of bankruptcy one day and see it double the next. Of course the opposite possibility was true as well. To make a long story short, over the next six months I made a lot of money and lost a lot of money, but in the end I had tripled my investment account to close to $20,000.

So why didn’t I just keep going and become like Erik Finman or Warren Buffet? The truth is I probably got lucky that year and things would have eventually evened out, because I don’t have the talent or steely nerves of those guys, but the more pressing issue is that I could feel my hope shifting away from God. I would wake up in the morning, sometimes after a bad night of sleep, and the first thing I had to do was check the markets to see how I was doing. It was easy to project in my mind how at the pace I was “making” money, I could be quite wealthy in only 5 or 10 years. But before I got too deep into that mentality, God graciously called me back and reminded me there was much more to life than material wealth, so I gave up online investing and renewed my focus on ministry and family. Later the money I made enabled us to live in Haiti as missionaries, so it is good to know God can use even our wanderings for His purposes.

During the last few weeks Mike has given us some great teaching on stewardship and how to leverage our resources for God’s glory, but the truth is what God really wants is very simple. He wants my heart, and He wants yours. He desires that relationship above all else. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jer. 29:13) Money and wealth aren’t bad things, but they have the potential to distract our attention from God and our calling to build His kingdom, and that’s where the true riches are found!

Cory Grimm


Slave to Beloved

There are a lot of great songs about how we are no longer slaves bound with the chains of sin.  “Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)”, “He’s a Chain Breaker”, and “Break Every Chain” come to mind.  These songs remind us that through faith in Jesus Christ it is now possible for us to obey God and overcome sin in our lives.  We have a whole new identity as children of God, and He no longer sees us as slaves but as beloved family members.

What the book of Philemon teaches us, however, is that it is hard to see ourselves and others that way.  We are constantly tempted to look at other people and see the person they used to be, and we often do the same thing to ourselves.  In just one chapter Paul writes to the house church hosted by Philemon and reveals a powerful story of transformation and potential reconciliation.  The story goes something like this…

Philemon owned a non-believing slave named Onesimus, who was a pretty worthless servant, no doubt unmotivated by his lack of freedom and faith.  Philemon was a new Christian in the church of the Colossians, and he was also a slave owner.  One day Onesimus ran away.  We don’t know the next part of the story, but somehow he ended up serving Paul, who was under house arrest in Rome.  He became a believer and was powerfully transformed by the Holy Spirit into a passionate servant of Christ.  Finally, Paul discerned it was time to send Onesimus back to Philemon with a note we now call the Book of Philemon.

What did the letter say?  Paul explained that though he could order Philemon to receive Onesimus back, he was asking the slave owner and Christian to wrestle with the question himself and arrive at his own conclusion.  By law Onesimus should have been executed as a runaway slave, or at best be accepted back to days filled with endless labor and sleepless nights in chains.  However, Paul asks Philemon to consider elevating Onesimus to the full rights of a brother in the church.  What a challenging request!

We don’t know how the story ends, but it illustrates the principle this article started with.  It is hard for us to accept former spiritual slaves as full brothers and sisters.  Maybe you know a believer who used to be cruel to you or others, or maybe he/she was well-known for various sins.  Have you allowed yourself to accept that person fully, as God has, or are you waiting for them to slip up and prove all the doubters correct?  What about yourself?  As you continue to struggle against various sins in your own life, maybe even some that trace their beginnings to the time before you knew Jesus, have you begun to doubt if you will ever be free?

What would church be like if we saw each other and ourselves as God sees us?  What if we allowed ourselves to full accept our new identify as His children?  We’ve tried to fight against sin with the weapons of shame and fear and judgment for way too long.  All that does is add another layer of chains on top of the old ones.  Only the truth can set us free, and the truth is the moment we place our faith in Christ, we are no longer slaves!  Begin today to allow yourself to see the good in others and in yourself!

Cory Grimm

P.S.  While I was finishing up this article, a woman came in and told me how she helped someone get a vehicle this past weekend, and two days later they were picked up (again) for drunk driving. She said sadly, “I should have known better,” but I encouraged her, “At least you believed it was possible for the person to change!”

Main Street or 5th Avenue

This is another song I recently wrote called “Main Street or 5th Avenue” which was born out of prayer, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and personal experience.  It describes our ability as followers of Jesus to befriend any person from any background without fear of being compromised by them, either in the small town setting (Main Street) or the city (5th Avenue).  This song speaks directly to the concept in Ridder Church Renewal of crossing boundaries and reaching the “other side.”    Cory Grimm

Within the urban centers and across the countryside, there still exists an old, disturbing trend

I might show you kindness, you might offer me a ride; but heads would turn if we became friends

They’d say we’re much too different, our worldviews are not the same,

and by all rights we should be mortal enemies

Because crossing ancient boundaries and drifting from our lanes is like chopping down old familiar trees

But something draws us closer, a force we cannot understand, some kind of cosmic curiosity

We’re searching for directions to elusive Promised Lands, described by Moses and by Dr. King

There are strongholds in the cities, and fortresses in towns, always preserving what is comfortable and safe

But foundations are eroding and old walls are falling down, as we march together keeping up the faith

I will walk with you down Main Street or 5th Avenue; it doesn’t matter what the people say

Small town or city street, we’ll smile at everyone we meet; I wouldn’t have it any other way

We started spending time together, like normal friends will do; at first we thought no one seemed to mind

Your circle was accepting me, and mine showed love to you, but then we both got wounded from behind

Sometimes the biggest obstacles to realizing peace are not the soldiers fighting on the other side

When you wave the white flag and hostilities cease, there still might be the threat of friendly fire

I will walk with you down Main Street or 5th Avenue; it doesn’t matter what the people say

We’ll stroll along without a care, even if they stop and stare; with each step we’re overcoming hate

We’ll change the world on both 5th Avenue and Main

We think we know a person by their culture, class, and race; we pack them in our boxes neat and nice

We overlook the sacred stories written on each face; we dismiss the holy longings in their eyes

Cause’ when we make our judgments, it’s ourselves we idolize, sitting on our thrones like manmade deities

In the waters of forgiveness, let us be baptized; in true communion, let us be set free

I will walk with you down Main Street or 5th Avenue; it doesn’t matter what the people say

The two of us make quite the pair; we’ll stretch the bounds of savoir faire;

and gather other friends along the way

I will walk with you down Main Street or 5th Avenue; it doesn’t matter what the people say

Small town or city street, we’ll smile at everyone we meet; I wouldn’t have it any other way

Let’s change the world on both 5th Avenue and Main


I’ve been writing a lot of songs the last month or so.  They usually come in bunches like that.  The lyrics below are from a song called “Masterpiece” which reflects on my belief that each person is incredibly valuable and has a unique calling from God.  The first line,  “I want to see your real face” is sort of a dig at the growing addiction to Facebook and other social media platforms, where we can construct a false self to present to the world.  I’d rather see your real face and know your real dreams!  Enjoy…

I want to see your real face, and hear your real voice

What you are is beautiful, so won’t you give us all the choice

To accept you…unconditionally

In all your brokenness, nothing more, nothing less

Take off your frozen mask, and let your feelings out

No need to be too quiet, no need to scream and shout

Just the authentic you, I can handle the truth

You’re a child of God, in His image, and your humanity is the proof

I want to see your real face…You are a masterpiece that can never be replaced

We go online and use up our time in pursuit of affirmation

Outside there’s a real live world in need of our attention

How soon ‘til we start to live, and give all we’ve got to give?

How soon ‘til we stand up and make things right?

I want to know your real dreams, and feel your real pain

For the people who are dying, in a world that’s gone insane

They are crying out, and it tears you apart

But your past is filled with shame, and you don’t even know where to start

Give up regrets and doubt, abandon all your fear

In the moments of your weakness, the Spirit’s power will be near

Just the authentic you, serving right where they bleed

The intersection of your passions and society’s greatest need

I want to know your real dreams…You are a masterpiece, and your story’s been redeemed

We go online and use up our time in pursuit of education

Outside there’s a real live world in need of emancipation

How soon ‘til we start to live, and give all we’ve got to give?

How soon ‘til we stand up and make things right?

I want to see your real face… You are a masterpiece that can never be replaced.

I want to know your real dreams… You are a masterpiece and your story’s been redeemed.

Cory Grimm


Habitual Disobedience

Last week I had a chance to visit for about half an hour with a person who identifies as transvestite, but that isn’t the main point of this article.  We’ll get to that later.  I was filling in at the office for Cornerstone Prison church inside the South Dakota State Prison, because Pastor Rick Van Ravenswaay’s brother recently had an aneurysm, and Rick was with his family most of the week. (prayers needed)  Requests were piling up to visit with a pastor, so I went in and met with a few people to ease some of the workload.

The man I met with had recently accused another inmate of a very serious crime against him, and we talked through the hurt feelings involved in that experience.  That was when he explained his identity to me and his plans for his future.  At this point he identifies as male, and he goes by his given name, but he feels he will be happier if he can undergo the treatments necessary to become a woman.  He shared with me the name he has picked out given the opportunity to become female.

It was a challenging conversation, but one moment really stood out.  This individual recently accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord at a Faith Fellowship retreat, so I asked him how he was reconciling his faith to his plan to become a woman.  I asked if he had prayed to God about this decision.  He simply said, “I know God will love me either way.  If I go through with the change, God will still love me.”  No profound response came to mind at the time, but God later used his words to give me a glimpse into my own heart.

Remember after David stole Bathsheba from her husband, Uriah, and tried to cover over his sin with deceit and murder?  It took being confronted by the prophet Nathan to come to his senses.  Nathan shared a parable of a rich man stealing a poor man’s prized lamb and then this happened:

David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die!  He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”  Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!”  (2 Sam. 12:5-7)

In the same way I was convicted by the inmate’s words and my own reaction.  After he justified his plan by saying that God would love him no matter what he does, part of me wanted to pass judgment on him and say, “With that reasoning, anybody could do anything they want, right?  Your decision makes me question your faith.”  However, the point of this article is that even though I can easily see the holes in his argument, I am often blinded to the ways I use the same argument in my own life.  How many times do I willingly make a bad decision and either consciously or unconsciously let myself off the hook by appealing to God’s grace?

Mike introduced the term “areas of habitual disobedience” last week.  In a sense these are the behaviors or decisions in our lives where we miss the mark yet justify it by thinking, “God will love me anyway.”  God’s grace is boundless, and yet “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left…”  (Heb. 10:26)  The question is not whether or not you have areas of habitual disobedience in your life.  You do…and so do I.  The question is what we are doing to address them and bring our lives in line with the obedience God desires and demands.  As the story above illustrates, we see faults in others, yet sadly we remain oblivious to our own.  May it not be so with us!  May each of us have a prophet Nathan in our lives, and may we also lovingly play that role for someone else.

Cory Grimm


Little Life Lessons

“Little Life Lessons to Share Christ’s Light”   by Cory Grimm

The bad news:  All around us culture is deteriorating and in many ways becoming more self-centered, narcissistic, and disrespectful to basic human dignity.

The good news:  As the world heads in that direction, followers of Jesus can stand out by offering common courtesy.  This article includes some simple examples.

  1. Don’t have a wheelchair? Don’t use the accessible bathroom stall    This should be obvious, but I can’t tell you how many times Lynn has entered a public bathroom only to wait for an able-bodied woman in the larger stall while the smaller stalls all remained open.  Think of it this way…would you take a handicap parking spot if you didn’t need it?
  2. Answer texts, voicemails, and emails   If you give out your information to people, answer their messages.  This act alone will set you apart as a good friend in our current society!
  3. The blinker on your car is not for you   I mean this literally and figuratively.  In a literal sense, you should use your blinker so that guy at the next corner (usually me) doesn’t have to wait to pull out until after you turn.  In a figurative sense, be cordial to strangers you meet along the way, communicate openly, and unexpected opportunities will arise.
  4. Don’t take the closest parking spot   This simple discipline has led to more blessings in my life than I can count.  Why?  Because it gets you in the mindset of putting others first before you walk in to wherever it is you are visiting.  Plus if you are like me, you probably need the extra exercise anyway.  Speaking of exercise…
  5. Country strong muscles trump six packs   They call athletes “country strong” when their physique comes from actual work, not just lifting weights.  If you personally spend oodles of hours each week working out, have you ever considered that a lot of that exercise could be accomplished by helping others with work they can’t do on their own?
  6. Like the Boy Scouts, be prepared   I will never forgot coming upon a domestic dispute in a parking lot in Philadelphia and freezing up as the man threw the woman to the ground and began trying to stomp on her head.  Although she survived, I will always regret the three or four seconds I stood there before acting.  Expect to encounter the unexpected in public and know ahead of time what you will do, and you will rise to any occasion.
  7. For the love of everything holy and good, put down your cell phone, look someone in the eyes, take time to listen, and enjoy a real conversation!   Enough said about that!

Okay, as you probably figured out, most of this list is just some of my own personal pet peeves, but take these ideas and add your own ways we can be different from the world.  As Christ followers we are called to consistently treat all people with dignity, respect, and love.  As the world becomes more self-absorbed and detached, may it not be so with us!


15 Years of Marriage


The other day I asked my wife, Lynn, if there was a certain moment when she knew she was in love with me.  She said, “No, not really.”  I was afraid to ask the next logical question, “Well…are you in love with me now?”  So I let the conversation fizzle out.  But we have been thinking a lot lately about such things as we are preparing to celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary on August 3rd.  Actually, it probably won’t be much of a celebration on that day as we will be on vacation with our kids and all of Lynn’s extended family, and the only fine dining within the immediate vicinity will be Dairy Queen, but we will do our best!

We didn’t have a perfect courtship, and actually broke up for several months, but in the end I believe the struggles early on allowed us to be stronger later.  After dating for a few months I wasn’t sure my heart was in a serious relationship, and the urge was still there to be in a full-time touring band.  After we broke up around Easter, I got a call from Artesian, a Christian funk band in Florida, to join them on guitar and produce their debut album.

During that year Lynn’s family had a young African boy, named Larry, staying with them as he received medical treatment.  Late in the summer he got sick and passed away, around the time of the 9/11 attacks, and I remember thinking about Lynn and wondering how she was doing.  We began to converse again, and by the Fall I asked if she would take me back.  After her visit to Florida the following January, we knew we were meant to be together.  I returned to the Sioux Falls area on Valentine’s Day, we soon got engaged, and that summer 15 years ago we were married.

Though it is far from perfect, and there is plenty of room to improve, I have always believed we have a good marriage.  This week I’ve been trying to put my finger on why that might be true.  I think the first reason is because we strive to get our deepest fulfillment from God rather than each other.  Both of us experienced rapid spiritual growth as young adults, and as a result neither of us felt we HAD to get married to be a whole person.  On the other hand, another reason our marriage has been blessed is that we were raised to believe that divorce is almost never an option.  We can’t remember our parents saying that, exactly, but the fact remains that they lived it out day after day, and Lynn and I are fortunate not to have a single divorce among our grandparents, parents, or siblings.  The message we learned growing up was that if you choose to get married, you do everything you can to make it work.

I always go back to one of my favorite Sara Groves lyrics… “Let’s find out…the beauty of seeing things through.”  I can’t wait to see what the next 15 years will look like, and hopefully 15 more after that, Lord willing.  May the marriages at ARC all be a shining light to the world of how God’s love and grace can be manifested in our relationships day after day, year after year!

Cory Grimm


Others Have Done the Hard Work

By the time you read this article, you might already be tired of celebrating the 150th anniversary of Luverne, especially considering the forecasts are calling for a really hot weekend.  As I sit here writing this on Tuesday, however, I am excited to learn more about our history in the days ahead.  Here are some of the questions I am curious to know…

  • What was life like for the settlers in Rock County 150 years ago?
  • What part did faith play in the lives of those who founded Luverne?
  • What are some of the most memorable parts of our history such as natural disasters, funny stories, memorable characters, or the impact of national/int’l events?

The last few days did you find some of the answers to those questions or other questions you yourself were wondering?  Was there any way you saw God at work in the formation and development of this community?  No doubt many of the early settlers to Luverne sensed a divine calling to do something new for God, sort of like Israel long ago:

Numbers 14:8-9  “If the LORD is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us–a land which flows with milk and honey. “Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people…the LORD is with us.”

Even before the people entered the Promised Land they were aware that temptation would come along with the blessings, and before too long this warning was forgotten.  A generation or two later, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25), which included a lot of regrettable stuff.  How do you think we would measure up in comparison?  I wonder if the early settlers to Luverne were both excited about the prospect of plentiful, fertile land and yet apprehensive of the effect the lure of wealth and prosperity might have on their descendants.  Even if that concept did cross their minds, no doubt they had no clue what life would be like 150 years later!

This afternoon we will gather for the Community Worship Service to celebrate God’s faithfulness to Luverne over the past 150 years, but we will also begin to look to the future and imagine how God may lead us as a church, as Christians, and as a community.  I believe we have benefitted so much from the vision and faith of our ancestors who established communities like Luverne.  As Jesus said to his disciples, “Others have done the hard work, and you have benefited from their labor.”  (John 4:38)

Now the time has come to look beyond simply providing for our families, enjoying freedom to worship, and living a comfortable life.  The time has come to repent of ways in which we have conformed to the worldliness around us, receive a fresh vision from the Holy Spirit, and leverage our abundant resources to boldly expand God’s kingdom in Luverne, SW Minnesota, and to the ends of the Earth.  For God’s glory, may they look back during the 300th anniversary celebration some day and celebrate our generation for being spiritual visionaries on par with the early settlers to Rock County!

Cory Grimm


Finding An Old Bulletin…

(hint:  the “bulletin blooper” is in this article, but it will be VERY hard to find!  You might have to talk with someone from the older generations to figure it out)

As I will share in the service this morning, during the recent transformation of the library into the new nursery, Doug Jacobsma, Property Chair, pulled an old bulletin out of the ceiling.  The bulletin was folded into the shape of an airplane, so we are assuming that it belonged to Harold Ver Steeg who was 13 at that time.  We have enjoyed reading the bulletin, and our worship order this morning will be mostly based on what they did back then.  Our theme for today is the fifth commandment, “Honor Yer’ Ma & Pa” (cowboy version), and we can do that by experiencing worship how it was when our parents and grandparents were younger in their faith.

The following information will give you a snapshot of what was going on when this bulletin was printed.  First of all, the service took place on March 28, 1971. According to, the high that day was 44 and the low was 27, and there was no precipitation.  What was happening in the world?  The night before, UCLA won its 5th consecutive NCAA basketball championship.  The Benny Hill Show was tops on television, and “Bridge Over Troubled Water” won a Grammy.  There were countless headlines related to Vietnam, and the USSR was testing nuclear weapons.

What was going on in ARC during that time?  Enjoy a few announcements and lists of those serving:

  • This Sunday has been set by Minnesota Classis as a Day of Prayer for our prisoners of war.
  • Those whose last name begins with “D” are reminded to write a letter to our 6 members in the service.
  • Alvin Veldkamp (Shirley) has been received into membership…from Carmel Reformed.
  • Mrs. Dale Bosch (Karen) has asked for the transfer of her membership to Valley Springs.
  • The Steen RCYF invites everyone to hear THE SPURLOWS, a singing group from Grand Rapids.
  • Young people will be interested in knowing that the Bible Quiz has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 24 at 7:30 in Edgerton.


CONSISTORY – The Rev. Paul B. Caley, President

ELDERS                                                           DEACONS

John Oolbekkink, Clerk    1971           John Klay, General Fund Treasurer    1971

Cornelius Tilstra    1971                       Gradus Bouman, Building Fund Treasurer    1971

Louis Cleveringa    1972                      Ralph Petersen, Chairman of Deacons    1972

Norman Ver Steeg, VP    1972            James Vink, Financial Secretary    1972

Sam Renes    1973                               Morris Van Peursem, Benevolence Treas.    1973

Melvin Wynia    1973                            Harold Vande Berg    1973


          CHURCH STAFF

Organists  –  Mrs. H. Franken, Mrs. R. Petersen, Mrs. H. Jacobsma

Sunday School Superintendent  –  Melvin Wynia

Sunday School Superintendent  –  Mrs. Andrew Fikse

Custodian  –  Charles De Jongh

Head Usher  –  James Veldkamp

Church Secretary  –  Mrs. James Veldkamp