Everything Beautiful In Its Time

Daylight Savings Time has recently come to pass, and I think my body is finally reset to the time change. However, I still find myself thinking, “It can’t be that time already.” Who would guess that adjusting a clock by 60 minutes would make such a difference.

Time has been a recurring theme in my conversations. That usually means God is standing at the great chalkboard of life, ready to teach me a lesson, and I should sit up and pay attention. During Wednesday’s Pioneer Club, my 5th and 6th grade girls interviewed an older couple and asked them about their life. Repeatedly, they mentioned that they were grateful for the extra time they have in retirement to spend with their grandkids, but wished they had spent more time with their kids. They also acknowledged their time on earth is probably short compared to the students in the room, although none of us knows how much time we really have left. They also shared how it takes more time to do certain chores or activities at their age than it did when they were younger.

Other timely conversations this week have regarded the need for better time management, how to cut back on time wasters, and making time for the things that matter. And time clichés have been resounding like a grandfather clock in a silent room… time flies, time is money, only time will tell, it’s just a matter of time, once upon a time, all the time in the world, it’s about time, time is of the essence, time out…

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 is a well-known scripture passage regarding time. The writer declares: “1There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 2a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, 4a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 5a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, 8a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

But my favorite declaration of time comes in verse eleven. “He has made everything beautiful in its time.” Someone confessed to me this week that they hate this time of year. The crops are mostly out, the trees have dropped the majority of their leaves, the flowers no longer bloom, and everything just looks   dead and dreary and lifeless. Yet I have seen the beauty of a full moon in the early morning hours, and exquisite sunsets at days end. There have been stunning canvases of frost on the windows and intricately designed flakes of snow. No, there isn’t the rainbow of spring colors, or an abundance of green foliage, and this time of year presents its own set of challenges, but if we are willing to pay attention, there is still beauty. He has made EVERYTHING beautiful in its time. Just like there is beauty in the gross reality of a newborn baby, there is also beauty in a final breath. Belly laughs are just as beautiful as sobbing cries. There is a time for everything.

Each day is a gift of time, 86400 seconds to be exact, and God has made each one beautiful in its own way. May each of us declare with the psalmist, “My times are in your hands.” (Psalm 31:15) And may each of us celebrate the beauty of whatever times we are in.

Erin Jacobsma


The Sound of the Shepherd

We are surrounded by sounds. Take a moment and listen. What do you hear? As I type this article, I hear the buzz of my computer, the clicking of the keys on my keyboard, the hum of traffic outside my window, wind blowing through the trees, and muffled voices in the next office.

Some sounds are strange and puzzling and we don’t know where they are coming from. We strain our ears to see if we can figure out the source of the noise, or we go to investigate and determine if what we hear is cause for alarm or no big deal. Other sounds are very familiar. We know exactly who is talking in the adjacent room, we recognize the creak of the floor or the squeak of the door, we know the ringtone of our cell phone, and the way our car sounds as we drive down the road.

Some new sounds have been heard at our farm over the past several weeks. A ewe, affectionately known as Big Mama, and her triplets – Fluffy, Petunia, and Tiny – have taken up residence at our humble homestead. Their presence has been accompanied by a chorus of bleating sounds. Hearing Big Mama’s deep “BAA” as she calls to her babies and the babies responding with their soft soprano “baa” is just precious. I love listening to them.

I have grown familiar with their cries. I can tell when they are relaxed and having a friendly conversation, and also when Big Mama senses danger and is shouting a warning to her babes. I am tuned to the baas of the babies telling me that they are hungry and happy to see a bottle in my hand, and also when they are freaking out because they can’t get to their mama.

The sheep have also become accustomed with sounds in their new environment. They tolerate the whimpering and barking sounds of the dog (as long as he doesn’t come too close), they mostly ignore the traffic sounds on the highway, and they barely lift their heads from munching the lush grass when an airplane takes off from the nearby runway.

And they know my voice. I talk to them when I’m opening the barn door so as not to startle them, and speak softly to the lambs as they suck down their bottles. I reassure Big Mama when entering her pen and she has come to realize that I am not a threat to her or her babies. She has even gotten comfortable enough to eat grain from my hand.

There are many passages in the Bible that talk about sheep. In some ways, I’m not excited about being compared to an animal, but John chapter 10 has taken on new meaning since I started caring for these little critters. Multiple times, Jesus talks about being the good shepherd and that he knows his sheep and his sheep know him. But this doesn’t happen overnight. Knowing someone comes from spending time with them. Trust is built and intimacy is developed. When the sheep came to our farm, they didn’t want anything to do with me. Big Mamma would stomp her feet at me and snort, and the babies would run in every direction. But after time and proving myself to them, they have come to trust me and follow me.

Likewise with Jesus. I am comforted by the fact that he knows me, and I have spent enough time with him to be at ease in his presence and know I can trust him. I know his voice and follow him. Not perfectly, but in an ever growing intimacy. He has proven himself faithful and good all my life and I can’t imagine navigating this world without him. “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23:1

Erin Jacobsma


Taking A Walk

I am no dog trainer. I’m not sure I’m even a dog lover. Actually, I’m more of a cat person. But for the past month, I have been caring for my furry grand-dog while my son was out of town. We have worked on his manners and not jumping on people when they come to visit, we have played numerous games of catch, we have developed some patience and restraint at feeding time, we have practiced “sit” and “shake” and “down” on many occasions, and we have enjoyed long walks together in the beautiful countryside.

Well, not exactly. We have done all of those things, but the long walks are not always the most enjoyable. I like the idea of starting my day with a brisk morning walk with the pooch by my side, or to savor the cool evening air together with a stroll down the gravel road, but in reality, the dog is the one going for a walk and I’m getting pulled along behind.

I have tried to be patient and consistent with my commands and expectations. I have combed through Pinterest for tips and tricks. I have employed the assistance of a choke chain, a pronged collar, and a shock collar; all with minimal success. The shock collar actually glitched on our walk last week which resulted in a yelping and very submissive dog… for about ten seconds. Then, the pulling resumed.

Our walks are a continuous cycle of me saying “walk”, giving a jerk on the leash, and tapping the button on the shock collar. The dog slows his pace for a few yards until he’s at the end of his leash and pulling me down the road again and the cycle repeats. At least the longer we walk the more compliant the hound becomes and by the time we turn around and head for home he is maintaining a mostly steady pace, but each walk begins with the same struggle.

“I would think by now that you would have figured this out.” Those are the words I spoke to the dog this morning, and the exact same words that the Holy Spirit echoed in my mind. Immediately, it felt like a choke chain around my neck and I wanted to yelp my protest. But in all honesty, I’m a lot like this dog.

I get excited about walking with the Lord and being with my Master, but I’m often not satisfied with his pace. I am sometimes oblivious to everything that God has planned for our walk together. Like the canine in my care, I want to put my nose to the ground and take off running. I want to be productive and get things done. I want to pull away and do things my way. But God says “walk”.

It’s a recurring theme in the Bible. Walking with the Lord seems to coincide with a close relationship with him. We are given examples like Enoch and Noah who “walked faithfully with God” and David who was said to have walked before God in truth and righteousness and uprightness of heart. The Bible doesn’t tell us to run around in circles, to strive, or hustle, or pull. God uses words like come… follow… rest… sit… stay… walk. Some of us are slower learners than others. The Israelites wandered in circles in the wilderness for 40 years before God considered them ready to walk in a different direction. I can relate. Sometimes I need to get worn down before I start paying attention. Sometimes I need a spiritual shock collar.

The cool thing is, that God promises to walk with us. The Master of the Universe walking with a rebellious walking partner like me. Wow. May we heed the words of Joshua, “Be very careful to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to keep his commands, to hold fast to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Joshua 22:5)

Who wants to go for a walk?

Erin Jacobsma


What’s That Smell?

Since moving to the country this Spring, one of the most noticeable differences has been the traffic that travels past our front door. Not only are there a lot more vehicles on Highway 75 compared to our quiet city side street, but the variety of transportation has changed as well. Jackson Street was mostly graced with cars, pickup trucks, minivans and motorcycles. Our current location sees a daily stream of all of the above, plus 18-wheelers, tractors, farm implements, straight trucks, trailered boats, campers, and more. Some move past without drawing much attention, while others offer a friendly honk, a deafening exhaust, or thundering brakes. One particularly offensive vehicle is actually not very noisy at all, but it exudes an aroma that can make you lose your lunch. The local rendering truck passes by several times each day and if we are unfortunate enough to be outside at the time, it leaves me gasping for fresh air.

There are few things that leave an aroma as pungent as a dead, rotting carcass. I remember this smell from my childhood on the farm, and recently found a dead mouse in our garage and a dead deer on the highway. Thankfully, my hero of a husband dealt with the rotting mouse and I contacted the local authorities about the deer on the highway. I was hoping the rendering truck would have stopped and picked it up, but to my surprise, the shredded animal was kindly pushed off the road into the ditch next to my mailbox.

The first day walking to get the mail was just nasty. The road was littered with blood and guts, but after the overnight rain, most of the residue was washed away. My next trip to the mailbox was awful. Not only did I have to step over a jaw bone and deer teeth mingled with the gravel, but the hot summer sun had been steaming Bambi’s remains all day and the smell was unbearable.

In case you are completely grossed out, let’s switch gears.

When gathering with several different group of kids, I asked them what their FAVORITE smell was. Among middle school girls, I got responses like: fresh baked cookies, chocolate, flowers, coffee, campfires, homemade bread, and rain. I recorded different feedback from a group of mostly farm kids. Their pick of aromas included fresh-cut silage, dirt, the smell of horses, and bacon. Certainly we can all relate to the delight of most of those scents, although some people might be repulsed by the aroma of horses or silage.

The same is true for Followers of Christ. In 2 Corinthians 2, the apostle Paul informs us that God uses us to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ everywhere. I can’t imagine anything sweeter than the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ but that’s not the case for everyone. The fragrance of Christ is not an enjoyable scent for all people. Paul clarifies: “15 To God, we are the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings life; to the other, an aroma that brings death.” The Message translation puts it this way. “Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life. But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse.”

Which brings me to another thought… If we are in Christ, we can be confident that we are a pleasing aroma to God. We remind Him of his Son, a fragrant offering and sacrifice. But for a self-proclaimed Christian who does not walk in the way of the Lord, but has a self-righteous attitude, the Lord says these people are a stench to Him and an acrid smell that never goes away. You can read about that in Isaiah 65.

So how are you smelling? Today is a good day for a sniff-test.

Erin Jacobsma



Today has been one of those days that mothers warn you about. A day where nothing has gone right, emotions have run high, and negative thoughts are swirling around like an Oklahoma tornado. A day where it would be tempting to throw in the towel. A day when I’d like to echo the words of Alexander in the children’s book, “The Terrible, Horrible, No God, Very Bad Day” – I think I’ll move to Australia.

Today has been one of those days where an attitude adjustment was definitely in order. A day where in my earlier years, a hand would have been firmly applied to my backside, followed by the words, “That’s Enough”.

Today has been one of those days where the proverbial party was wrapped in pity and sprinkled with a few tears. The cookie crumbled. The milk was spilt.

Today has been one of those days that I’d rather forget. And one that I wish those around me would forget too. If only I had one of those nifty little devices from the Men in Black movie that zaps your memory for a specific time.

Today has been one of those days where “FAILURE” flashes like a neon sign above my head and follows me around like an ugly shadow. In my mind, I’m sure everyone can see it AND is nodding their head in agreement.

Today has been one of those days that Jesus spoke to his disciples about in John 16:33. “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”

Today has been one of those days where as I wallowed in the mud and muck of my personal pig pen, I was reminded that MY mother doesn’t have cancer… MY daughter isn’t missing… MY husband is not on disability… MY job is not being terminated… MY son is not deployed… MY home is not ravaged by flood waters… MY family is not starving… MY loved one is not incarcerated… MY body is not recovering from surgery… MY father is not breathing his final breath…

Today has been one of those days when I am reminded that what I perceived as my problem is not my real problem. I was reminded that my struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12) I was reminded that the battle is real and I cannot afford to leave my armor hanging in the closet. (Ephesians 6:13-17) I was reminded that I have the power to take every thought captive and make it submit to Truth. (2 Cor. 10:5)

Today has been one of those days for which Jesus promised his Presence, his Providence, and his Peace. He is the same yesterday, TODAY, and tomorrow. His love is steadfast. His grace is sufficient. His power is perfected in my weakness. His victory is sure.

Today is one of those days when I lay my head on my pillow, ask my Father for forgiveness, wipe the tears from my face, and be thankful that His mercies are new every morning.

Tomorrow is a new day. Great is His faithfulness!

Erin Jacobsma


Under Construction

My daily commute takes me past the local Golden Arches and I have enjoyed watching the visible progression of their remodeling project. The red tin roof and faded yellow sign have been removed and a new modern shape is being erected. The mound of discarded items keeps growing in the dumpster while the stack of building materials that was delivered to the site at the onset of the project is shrinking. Some days there is a whirlwind of activity and other times the rain has brought things to a screeching halt, but progress is being made.

And to the delight of travelers and locals alike, a large sign outside the building reads “Open During Construction”. Granted, the parking lot is somewhat tight, there’s extra noise during lunch hour, it might be a bit of a mess, and everyone has to be a little flexible, but nobody has had to forgo their Big Mac or Egg McMuffin or Happy Meal. In the midst of the renovation the employees have tried to continue with business as usual.

There’s something exciting about renovations. Years of wear and tear are replaced with fresh and new. Faded becomes vibrant. Outdated becomes advanced. Boring becomes bright. Lifeless becomes lively. Transformation is captivating

Each of us is a bit like a renovation project. As a baby, we seem absolutely perfect – a new construction. But over time our spirit becomes dull, our lives are contaminated by sin, we are faded by the consequences of our decisions, and we are in desperate need of an overhaul. Thankfully, God is in the business of renovations. He delights in making all things new. He restores our soul. Scriptures tell us that God makes all things beautiful in his time (Eccl 3:11) and that if we are in Christ, the old has gone and the new is here (2 Corinthians 5:17). That is the most exciting transformation to witness.

And Like McDonald’s, we are “Open During Construction”. Sometimes people watch and observe as old things are stripped away, we have messes to clean up and adjustments to make, and periodically things seem to be at a standstill. But be assured that God is at work. As Paul writes in Philippians 1:6 “I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

So what does completion look like? For McDonald’s, I’m not really sure. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. But for those who are in Christ, when we reach completion, we will be a perfect reflection of Jesus. And while that won’t happen on this side of eternity, we continue to be open during construction, learning and growing and transforming as we go along.

Another renovation that I’m excited about is the scheduled repair of Highway 75 north of Main Street. The local newspaper reported that beginning in July, crews will do emergency repairs and mill off the worst spots to level the surface and make long asphalt patches on the driving lanes. I am delighted that we will have a smoother driving lane; however, it’s a temporary fix to a deeper issue.

People have a tendency to do the same thing in their lives. We make some upgrades to the behaviors that are visible to the public eye, but we don’t deal with the underlying problems. We focus on symptoms instead of solutions. We avoid the hard work of transformation.

As we embrace the summer construction season, may we be convicted of the changes and shifts and complete renovations that need to be made in our own lives, both on the surface and deep within. And may we not shy away from engaging the process.

Please be patient, God isn’t finished with me yet,

Erin Jacobsma


Consider Your Path

History was made last week in Louisville, Kentucky. The 145th running of the Kentucky Derby took place on Saturday, May 4, 2019 and for the first time in race history, the horse that crossed the finish line first was not declared the winner, but was disqualified for race interference. If you didn’t get a chance to watch the race, here is a recap.

The Kentucky Derby is touted as the greatest two minutes in sports and 19 horses lined up for the contest on a sloppy, rain-drenched track. The horse named Maximum Security was one of the favorites to win. This particular Thoroughbred led the entire race and indeed crossed the finish line before the others, but after an objection was made and the videos were reviewed, it was clear that Maximum Security had drifted out of his lane, bumping into the horse next to him and hindering the stride of several horses, namely War of Will, Long Range Toddy, Bodexpress, and Code of Honor. (Don’t you just love horse names!)

Unlike NASCAR, rubbing isn’t racing, and the rules in Kentucky that apply to horse racing provide for the disqualification of a horse if it shifts its position in a manner that impedes or interferes with another horse, costing that horse a better place in the race. Ultimately, the path that Maximum Security chose cost him the crown!

The same is true for us. Our future is determined by the choices we make and the path we choose. This is true for the high school graduate, the convicted offender, the veteran, the senior citizen, the farmer, the teacher, the secretary, the mom… all people. It can cost us our finances, our relationships, our reputations, our life. The path we choose leads to victory or defeat, to eternal life or eternal death.

As I consider our paths, I have come to the conclusion that we are often tempted to take the path of least resistance, to seek an avenue of ease and comfort, routes that don’t look too different or require too much change. We tend to justify the lane we are in and we like our pathways to be wide and relaxed, giving us plenty of room to move around.

But Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” The Way that Jesus is talking about is himself. Jesus is the way. He is the way to the Father. He is the way to salvation. He is the way to eternal life. Jesus’ own words are recorded in John 14:6: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” We, then, are called to be followers of The Way, to be in the world, but not of the world, to be set apart and distinct. Our path is a different one.

There are many verses in the Bible that talk about our path, but one of my favorites is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

It would have been a game changer for Maximum Security if he had stayed on a straight path. It’s a game changer for you too. Are you on the right path? Are you following The Way to life or the road of destruction? May each of us live the words of Psalm 25:4: “Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths.”

Erin Jacobsma



Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arm

My daily Bible reading plan has directed me through the book of Deuteronomy over the past couple of weeks. As I read through the 34 chapters that recollect the stories of Moses and the Israelites while they journeyed to the Promised Land, a simple phrase caught my attention. Multiple times, Moses directs the people to remember God’s MIGHTY HAND AND OUTSTRETCHED ARM. One of those passages is Deuteronomy 5:15: “Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm.”

The imagery of God’s arm/hand was a powerful one for the Israelites. They had lived for 400 years under the hand of Pharaoh, but had also witnessed God having the upper hand and defeating this earthly leader and redeeming His people.

So what picture comes to mind when you think about God’s arm or hand in your life? Maybe you hear the words of the timeless Sunday School song “He’s got the whole world in His hands…” Or do you imagine God holding you in His arms like an NFL football player clutching a football and barreling down the field of life? Perhaps you view God’s hand raised in a position to strike, or like a reprimanding parent shaking their finger at you. Maybe you see God’s arms as a place to find shelter like a mother hen tucks in her chicks.

One of my views of God’s arm/hand stems from when my children were little. When we would go for a walk, we went hand in hand. Sometimes the grip was loose; sometimes we held pinkies; sometimes I increased the strength of our connection when we were getting close to a busy street. But often times, as their hands were in mine, we would encounter a crack in the sidewalk or some other obstacle and they would begin to stumble. At these times, I would tighten my grip and raise my hand in the air, pulling their little body upward to prevent their tender knees and nose from scraping along the sidewalk. Likewise, I see my hand in God’s, sometimes just walking along enjoying the company of one another, and sometimes getting yanked off my toes to prevent a greater calamity.

There are many scripture passages that refer to the hands and arms of God. Here are a few:

Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Jeremiah 32:17 “Oh, Lord God! You have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.”

This week, I challenge you to focus on the Lord’s mighty hand and outstretched arm. See them stretched out on a tree, bloodied and torn apart for you. See the outstretched arms of God who loved you so much that he gave his one and only Son as a ransom for your soul. See them raised in victory; he has conquered the grave and reigns with all authority in heaven and on earth.

Like the psalmist, let us raise our voices in praise of the Lord our God! “Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm have gained Him the victory. The Lord has made known His salvation; His righteousness He has revealed in the sight of the nations. He has remembered His mercy and His faithfulness to the house of Israel; All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” (Psalm 98:1-3 NKJV)

Erin Jacobsma




Preparations are a part of life. Parents prepare meals for their children, teachers prepare lesson plans, pastors prepare sermons, high school seniors are preparing for graduation, and soon (I hope) farmers will prepare the soil for planting. On a daily basis, most people are putting something in order for a future time. My family is in the midst of an intensified season of preparation. We are in the process of moving.

I have changed addresses many times throughout my adult life; this is number ten to be exact. However, I don’t particularly enjoy moving. It’s not that I’m overly sentimental or attached to a particular house. And even having the best neighbors in the world (aka The Woodleys☺) hasn’t derailed our current undertaking to transplant to a different neighborhood. The disdain I have for relocating is due to the preparations involved. Not only is there the sorting and packing and dismantling of things at our current residence, there are arrangements that need to be made for the transfer of utilities and mail and other paperwork. We have also been doing some renovations at our future home in preparation for the big move – cleaning, painting, removing carpet, updating some plumbing and heating, and trying to keep the snow moved.

Preparations require a lot of work. Necessary work. Sure there are times when we can wing it, or go with the flow, but lack of preparation often leads to stress and frustration and maybe even some tears. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

God’s Word also talks about preparations. 2 Chronicles 12 records a time in the history of God’s people when the king did evil because he had not prepared his heart to seek the Lord. This is true for all of us. When we do not prepare our hearts to follow Jesus, when we do not determine to be obedient to His commands, and when we are inattentive to the evil around us, we slip into destructive patterns and habitual sins and dishonor God. We do evil because we fail to prepare.

Lent is a season of preparation. We are preparing our hearts to celebrate the death and resurrection of our Savior. Some choose to prepare by fasting, eating different foods, or giving up something and denying themselves a particular pleasure. Others prepare by spending time in God’s Word, increasing their prayer time, or being more intentional of their spiritual formation, while others will arrive at Easter morning with no thought or preparation at all.

Jesus is also making preparations. In John chapter 14, Jesus tells his disciples to not focus on the troubles in this world because he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house. And when those preparations are complete he will return.

None of us know when that day will come. We do not know the number of days allotted to us on this earth. We do not know when “Moving Day” will be. But we can be certain that the time will come when the opportunity to make preparations is gone. Whether we leave this world as an individual or Christ returns for the final judgement, the time to prepare will be over. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Jesus has prepared a way for us to be reconciled to God and spend eternity with him. All we have to do is believe in him and prepare our hearts by seeking him.

What are you doing to prepare your heart?

Erin Jacobsma


Respond With Worship

On Wednesday evenings, I have the privilege to spend 90 minutes with 5th and 6th grade girls in Pioneer Club. Part of our time together is used to explore the Word of God and for another segment of time we are involved in a project or activity. We do things like sewing, candle making, woodworking, playing games, and learning about etiquette. This month our focus is on First Aid. Two wonderful nurses have joined our class and shared the importance of knowing what to do in a medical emergency and how to respond in different situations. The girls have learned that while our natural tendencies are to freak out or be afraid, the response that is needed is to remain calm.

Remaining calm is a great life skill. It’s not only necessary in medical emergencies, but is extremely helpful in other situations as well. It is important to remain calm when we don’t get our way, when everything is falling apart, when relationships are tense, and when we are under pressure. Staying calm is a great response in almost any setting.

There’s another wonderful way to respond to situations in life that’s recorded for us throughout scripture. Let’s start in Genesis. We read in chapter 24 about Abraham sending his assistant on a mission to find a wife for his son, Isaac. The servant asks God to give him success in this task and when it becomes clear to him that the Lord has provided, his response is to bow down and worship Him.

In Exodus 12 in the midst of a series of plagues God brought upon the Egyptians, Moses meets with the Israelites and explains to them what’s going to happen with the 10th plague. He gives them direction regarding the Passover lamb, strange bread that they are supposed to prepare, and how to paint their doorposts with blood. They didn’t complain about all the rules and requirements, they bowed their heads and worshiped the Lord in response.

In the second book of Samuel, we read a scandalous story of King David taking another man’s wife for himself, the woman becoming pregnant, David arranging for the woman’s husband to be killed, and a prophecy that the child to be born would die. David repents of his sins and pleads for the child’s life through prayer and fasting, but the child dies anyway. At the news of the infant’s death, David responds by getting up, taking a shower, changing his clothes, and going to the house of the Lord to worship.

In 2 Chronicles 20 we read of a great army coming against God’s people and King Jehoshaphat. They didn’t know what to do, but they fell down before the Lord and worshiped Him.

There are many times in our lives when we don’t know what to do and worship is probably the last thing on our minds. We don’t know what to do when our career is stripped away. We don’t know what to do when a medical diagnosis is not what we hoped for. We don’t know what to do when a prayer seems to go unanswered, when nothing ever goes as planned, when disaster strikes, when a loved one takes their own life. Remaining calm is a good start. But worship is always the best response.

No matter if you find yourself in the midst of joy or turmoil. God is still God and worthy of our praise. Next time you are tempted to shake your fists at Him or turn your back and walk away, try worshiping Him instead. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise! For the Lord is good and his steadfast love endures forever!

Erin Jacobsma