Giving and Taking

One of the elements of our worship that blesses my heart each week is when the children bring their offering to the front. My prayer is that our young children are truly learning the joy of generous giving. In addition to being a blessing, sometimes a child’s effort to give their offering can be a bit comical. Such was the case on Easter morning with Jaxon Guy.

As I remember it, Jaxon’s mom first walked up the steps with him, and after helping him place his offering in the basket, they returned to their seats. Then Jaxon came forward a second time with more money, and after briefly pausing to think about what he was doing, he finally decided to drop his offering in the basket. Then after waiving to Grandma who was singing in the praise team, he went back to his seat. And then Jaxon came forward a third time with even more money for the offering, and after an even longer hesitation, he finally released his offering in the basket.

The three trips to the offering basket brought a smile to my face, but then my smile turned into laughter when Jaxon reached down into the basket and took back part of his offering, and then after waiving to Grandma again, he returned to his seat.

As I reflected on Jaxon’s offering experience, I thought about my own attitudes and behaviors when it comes to generous giving and living. Now, by no means am I suggesting that Jaxon was having a battle in his mind, but have you ever had a battle in your mind over whether or not to give an offering in the first place, but then to ease your conscience, you drop in some pocket change. And have you ever had it after giving your offering, you felt guilty because you know it could’ve been more. Or on the other hand, have you ever had it when you gave a very generous offering, but then after thinking about it, you wish you could take some back.

Likewise, I sometimes have the same battle of the mind when it comes to opportunities to serve. It’s those times when I know God has presented an opportunity to serve in some capacity, but because I’m selfish, I hold back from jumping all in. Or maybe I offer a token act of service, but know in my heart I could’ve given more.  And then of course there are those times when I give all that I have to a cause, but then turn around and complain because I feel like I gave too much.

As I continued to reflect on Jaxon’s offering experience the Spirit reminded me of two truths; first from   2 Corinthians 9:6, “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give whatever you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

And then a second truth from Romans 12:1, “Therefore I urge you brothers and sisters [Mike], in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice: holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and  proper worship.”

May it not be so with you and me, that at the end of each day, we would ever regret giving and living full out for the joy of the King and his Kingdom. But rather, may we say like the Apostle Paul, “I consider my life worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given to me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace.”

Refusing to reach back into the offering basket,

Mike Altena


Choose the Right Thing

This past Wednesday after work Vicki had a few errands to run in Sioux Falls. At one of her stops at Wal-Mart on Louise she set her phone down, and after becoming distracted she continued about her shopping. Then, while checking out after 40 minutes of shopping, Vicki realized her phone was missing. Remembering where she had set her phone down, Vicki immediately went to see if it was still there. It was gone!

She turned and headed straight for the customer service counter, hoping some very kind, compassionate, and honest person had turned it in. But no such luck!

Well, after she had given the store clerk my phone number just in case, Vicki began to pray that whoever had her phone would come under deep conviction and would return it. Vicki then headed for home fearfully thinking all of her pictures were gone forever. And then God answered her prayer, at 6:11 I received a phone call that someone had turned her phone in. YEA!!!!

Now here was the real hook for me about her adventure. I really have no idea, but I wonder what was going through the person’s mind from the time they picked Vicki’s phone up until the time they returned it. See, although the distance from where Vicki had left her phone to where the customer service counter is, was only a one minute walk, and yet at minimum, the person would’ve had her phone in their possession for at least one hour.

I pondered, was the person being tormented while thinking about stealing it as she walked around with it. (Thankfully Vicki had a security lock in place so the person couldn’t open the phone). Did that person spend that time thinking about who she knew who could figure out the security code? Or maybe, did the person innocently put the phone in her purse and then did her shopping before she turned it in. I just couldn’t help but wonder all the thoughts that went through this person’s mind as she walked around with a phone that didn’t belong to her—was she being tormented about whether or not she would do the right thing.

And then I began to reflect, I’ve been in situations like that—situations where I had plenty of time to decide if I would do the right thing or not; times when I was being tormented of whether or not I would keep what I had stolen. I’ve had those tormenting times when I wondered whether or not I should click on the computer mouse. Not to mention, I’ve had those times when someone entrusted with me with some private information, but because it was so significant, I felt tormented because I wanted to share it with someone.

How about you? Remember the times you felt tormented in those moments when you were trying to decide whether or not you were going to do the right thing.

And then I began to think about all of those who were tormented in their thoughts about whether or not they would do the right thing during Holy Week. I think about Judas and all the tormenting time he spent thinking about, and looking for, the perfect moment when he would betray Jesus. I think about Jesus being tormented in the Garden of Gethsemane of whether or not he would drink the cup of suffering. I think about Peter when he was accused of being a disciple of Jesus. I think about Pilate as he was being tormented over whether or not he should have Jesus crucified. I think of the soldiers who tormented Jesus; were they ever tormented in their spirit of whether or not they were doing the right thing.

Well the good news for all of us, even though he endured great torment and suffering, Jesus chose to do the right thing. Which of course is a great reminder, the best choice when being tormented about deciding between good and evil, be like the person in Wal-Mart—be like Jesus—choose the right thing. And hopefully someone will be praying for you when you’re wavering.

Because He chose the right thing – I have my life back!

Mike Altena


Challenging Times

A few weeks ago I was invited by some friends to attend the Nobles Rock Cattleman’s Association banquet. When I arrived I was surprised to find over 450 people had gathered to hear from John Phipps who is the award winning humor and commentary writer for Farm Journal and Top Producers magazines  (Well, that and /or to enjoy a nice big juicy scrumptious rib eye steak complete with taters, corn and ice cream).

After the meal, recognizing those in our county who had made significant impacts in the beef industry, and completing the business, they introduced Mr. Phipps.  Now at this point, I always wonder how a speaker seeks to motivate and inspire his/her audience from a secular perspective (my assumption was Mr. Phipps would not base his talk on God’s Word). See because truth from a secular perspective is most often determined by the person who has the greatest power or by the opinion of one that is affirmed by the greatest number of people.

Well, after Mr. Phipps shared how exciting it was to speak to a group of people other than corn or soybean growers, he briefly gave his outlook for commodity prices in general for the next few years. In a very nice way he kindly expressed somewhat of a bleak outlook, especially for the beef producer. And it was because of the challenges that lie ahead, he suggested that we must embrace the following four values.

First, he believed we all need to do a better job listening to each other. And one of the reasons we need to be better listeners is because social media seems to have evolved into a platform where everyone apparently has the right to freely offer their opinion. Another reason we need to be better listeners is because we are distracted by so many things. I was totally in agreement with this point and I was eager to hear more about his insight into our level of distraction, but then I got distracted by the caterers when they started cleaning up the tables from which they served. Buy the time I was ready to become a better listener, Mr. Phipps was about to move on to the second value we must hold to in challenging times. However, I began to wonder what would happen in the church if we spent less time offering our opinion and more time listening.

The second value Mr. Phipps suggested was that we must avoid shaming each other when we fail or make mistakes. There are just some things that happen between friends, families and co-workers that don’t have to end up on Facebook or in the coffee shop. If I remember right, he shared the story about a soybean farmer’s son who began combining his field when he forgot to put the cover back over the return elevator and the result was the son combined a great distance and all the soybeans poured out into a nice row on the ground. Then instead of keeping the costly oversight between the father and the son, the father shamed his son by making a big deal out of it in the coffee shop in town. I began to wonder what would happen in the church if we stopped shaming each other when we fail.

A third value in challenging times Mr. Phipps suggested was that, because farmers are often known as whiners, beef producers must quit whining about their hardship and figure out ways to be more competitive and productive. And the reason why a person must quit whining about the challenges, and instead must focus on new possibilities or practices, is because there is always someone out there who is going to figure it out and take your place.  I began to wonder, what if the church stopped whining about how the old ways of doing things aren’t working and began focusing on new possibilities and practices before someone else takes our place.

And then a fourth and final value Mr. Phipps closed with was the power of community. Because the natural tendency in the midst of hard times is fear that leads to independence and isolation, the key to success is in the power of community. And in particular he highlighted the importance of being kind to one another—to do unto others as you would have them do to you. I began to wonder, what would happen through the church if we actually started thinking community, and we began with the virtue of kindness.

Although it became clear that Mr. Phipps was a Christian, he used no scripture, but he still gave the audience an inspiring and motivating picture of what life is like when you and I bring the kingdom of God in challenging times.

To God be the glory,

Mike Altena


We are Speaking

In light of the recent surge of reported sexual harassment and abuse in our nation over the past several months, I submit the following joint statement from the RCA Women’s Transformation and Leadership and Local Missional Engagement initiatives calling the Church to end harassment, abuse, and sexual violence against women and girls:

 From the earliest story of our faith, God has painted a picture of a reality in which women and men together reflect the image of God.  In Genesis 1:26-27, God establishes a vision—a vision God calls very good—of a world where men and women alike are treated with dignity, respect, and love as people created in God’s image.

And yet, not long after that vision was cast, an insidious narrative took its place.  For far too long, women and girls have been victims of harassment, abuse, and sexual violence rather than being treated with the dignity God intended for them.  Women have shared their stories of pain, only to have those stories fall on ears that did not wish to hear.  Many women who dared to speak have been mocked and vilified.

A culture of shame and secrecy has stifled the voices of countless others (men and boys included). These people have not felt safe to share their stories because of the very real fear that their lives would be destroyed by those in positions of power.  This culture has begun to shift in recent days and weeks, and we in the church are obligated to listen and respond…[Because this evil has equally infiltrated the Church as well]…

We believe the church must find its voice and speak.  As RCA interim general secretary Don Poest lamented last fall, “Too often, by our attitudes and actions or inactions, we have tolerated or encouraged or participated in ways that have devalued the women and girls in our midst, rather than honoring them as God’s beloved daughters.”  This should not be.  The church must speak out at just such a time as this.

If we keep silent, we are complicit in the continued dehumanization of women and girls.

If we keep silent, we fail to be coworkers with Christ in the renewal of the world and of the relationships between men and women.

If we keep silent, we ignore God’s call to be agents of change committed to ensuring that all people are treated with dignity.

We are speaking, because we are committed to standing with and for women and girls who have experienced harassment, abuse, and sexual violence.

We are speaking, because we are committed to seeking healthy ways for men and women to live and work together.

We are speaking, even if words fail us and our anxieties leave us uncertain about what we can do.

We are speaking, because of our Christian convictions and because of the kind of world in which we want to live.  When one part of the body is mistreated, the whole body is mistreated. When one person suffers, we all suffer.

We, as women and men, as children of God, as a church, courageously stand together against any word, deed, or policy that diminishes the dignity of women and girls in our communities.  And we are compelled by God’s original vision for humanity to live into this statement by taking action.  We are investing ourselves in the Holy Spirit’s movement to bring about healing and restoration until every person is valued as one who is made in the image of God.

Dads, I believe the redemption of this cultural sin begins with you and me.  I challenge you as you apprentice your sons to treat girls and women with dignity and respect and that any kind of sexual immorality is inconsistent with being a follower of Jesus.

Under His mercy, Mike Altena


Worth the Time?

It’s possible, whether at home or at work, that there are responsibilities you carry out each day and you wonder if the amount of time and effort it takes to complete the task is worth your time.  One such responsibility I have that I question is worth the time and effort is writing these ARChive articles.

Now before I share my thoughts on this matter, I would like to thank Cory, Erin and Becky for accepting my invitation to take a turn each month to write one of these articles.  I am thankful that you are continually paying attention to those daily experiences that become an emotional hook which eventually turns into your ARChive article.  And I am blessed by how you connect the wisdom of God’s Word with your particular experience.

Usually when I finish reading my ARChive articles, it would appear to me that a person could sit down and type out an article in 20 minutes.  However, as in the case of this article, it rarely works that way. For me, this is often how it goes.  We all know when our articles are due, so we can never use the excuse that we didn’t know it was our turn.

Sometimes not knowing what to write about becomes the challenge, like this week. J I had several things I thought about, but other than one, I didn’t feel strong enough about any of them to write about them.

Other times discerning whether or not I can write about a certain issue often becomes the challenge of writing an ARChive article.  I have many experiences and issues that would make for great articles, however, the level of authenticity would be more than some people can handle.

Then there are times when you plan on sitting down to write your article, but something of much more importance comes up.  Like, I planned on writing this article on Thursday, but then two pressing issues that took priority popped up and I chose to work on my sermon instead.  I thought maybe I could crank out an article after taking care of the second issue, but by that time I had no energy left and so I thought I would get up early on Friday morning and write it.  And then wouldn’t you know it, the repairman called to see if he could come early to fix our microwave, so I felt obligated to scoop the driveway first.

The one issue that has created the greatest emotional hook for me this week is the death of my cousin who spoke in our church on December 3.  I was able to share some meaningful time with Dave and his family Wednesday afternoon before he died, and then because their Pastor is on vacation, they asked if I would do the memorial service and so I have been thinking a lot about his favorite verse from Romans 8:31, “What then shall we say in response to all these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?”

So I was going to write some thoughts about that verse, however, when I started looking into our response “to all these things,” I realized my article was going to be 450 words too long.  And so here I am rambling about how difficult it is to write an ARChive article when I should be working on the funeral mediation—an article I’m not sure anyone will read or will actually care about.  And I really have to get the funeral mediation done before 4:00 because we have my family Christmas in Sioux Center this evening.  And so on occasions like this, I wonder, is it really worth the one hour and eleven minutes it took to put these thoughts on paper?

May all of you be blessed in this New Year, even when doing those things that you aren’t sure are worth your time.

Grace to you and peace, Mike Altena


Good News of Great Joy

I recently ran across this heartwarming story and I thought I would share it with you:

In 1994, the Russian Department of Education asked two Americans to go to Russia and teach morals and ethics based on biblical principles. They went to public schools, prisons, businesses, the fire and police departments, and a large orphanage where 100 children had been left in the care of this orphanage. The Americans related the following story…

Since it was nearing the holiday season, we wanted the orphans to hear the Christmas story for the first time. Throughout the story, the children and the staff listened in amazement. After telling the story, we gave the children pieces of cardboard to make a crude manger.

Each child was given a small paper square cut from yellow napkins we had brought along. Following instructions, the children tore the paper into strips to lay in the manger for straw. Small squares of flannel cut from a discarded nightgown, were used for the baby’s blanket. A baby was cut from tan felt we had brought from the United States.

The orphans were busy assembling their mangers as I walked among them. All went well until I got to one table where little Misha sat waiting after he had finished his project. He looked about six years old. As I looked at the little boy’s manger, I was startled to see not one, but two babies in the manger. Quickly, I called for the translator to ask the boy why there were two babies in the manger. I thought perhaps he had misunderstood the story. The child began to repeat the story very seriously. For one who had only heard the Christmas story once, he related it accurately, until he came to the part where Mary put the baby Jesus in the manger.

Then Misha said, “And when Mary laid the baby in the manger, Jesus looked at me and asked me if I had a place to stay. I told him I have no mama and I have no papa, so I don’t have any place to stay. Then Jesus told me I could stay with him, but I told him I couldn’t because I didn’t have a gift to give him like everybody else did.

“I wanted to stay with Jesus so much, so I thought about what I could use for a gift. I thought maybe if I kept him warm, that would be a good gift. So I asked Jesus, ‘If I keep you warm, will that be a good enough gift?’ And Jesus told me, ‘If you keep me warm, that will be the best gift anybody ever gave me.’ So I got into the manger, and then Jesus looked at me and he told me I could stay with him for always.”

As little Misha finished his story, his eyes brimmed full of tears that splashed down his little cheeks. Putting his hand over his face, his head dropped to the table and his shoulders shook as he sobbed and sobbed. The little orphan had found someone who would never abandon nor abuse him, someone who would stay with him, FOR ALWAYS.

Although this is a very heartwarming story, when trying to find the author, I discovered there are at least eight different versions ranging from 507 to 729 words; all giving credit to an unknown author. Many of the details were different in each, and in the shorter versions, many original details were left out (I’m guessing to make the story fit their newsletter or webpage).

As I reflected on this touching story and the additional versions, I thought, may it be said of you and me that we would also have child like faith in thinking of ways we could be a blessing to Jesus… and may it not be so with you and me that we would ever modify the story of Jesus’ birth in order to make it fit our lives.

Bring you good news of great joy…Mike Altena


Completing the Good Work

On Thanksgiving Eve we spent some time giving thanks for those in our community of faith who share in the calling of proclaiming and demonstrating the message of the kingdom of God.  Although we didn’t take the time to read all of Romans 16, the Apostle Paul highlights several of his fellow Gentile co-workers in Jesus Christ and the specific qualities, characteristics or actions that he appreciated about each.

In verse 23 Paul includes a greeting to the Romans from “Erastus, who is the city’s director of public works…” Now I don’t know about you, but when I see that Erastus, the city’s director of public works makes the list of Paul’s special partners in the gospel, I wonder what made him so special.  Was he, like Luverne’s Director of Public Works, responsible for leading the team of men in our community who are responsible for  all aspects of street maintenance including: snow removal, park maintenance, tree removal and tree trimming on city boulevards, seal coating, street overlays, storm sewers, sidewalk maintenance, stop sign, yield sign, and all other sign maintenance?

Was Paul blessed by Erastus’s dedication to providing the best streets and parks in his community?  Or was it more about how Erastus lived out the gospel while seeking to make his community a better place to live?

When I think about Erastus I think about a week ago this past Friday over the noon hour when I was driving past the corner of Highway 75 and Crawford and I noticed a gushing spring of rusty water bubbling up from the ground.  I immediately thought to myself, “That’s not good.”  And sure enough, about ten minutes later after returning from running an errand, I saw Matt Buntjer shutting off the water valve in a street nearby.  I’m not exactly sure of the cause of the water leak, however I did notice that a number of our city employees spent several hours making the repair.

As I was reflecting on the water leak several things came to mind.  One, I’ll bet the guys who were responsible for fixing the leak were glad it wasn’t ten below zero.  Second, although they had to work later than normal, I’ll bet they were glad the leak didn’t start during the night.  And thirdly, I thought how fortunate our community is to have employees who are so dedicated and take such pride in maintaining our streets, our water and our electrical system.

I run the risk of forgetting someone from our church who is dedicated to maintaining our public works system, but I am grateful for Aric Uithoven, Matt Buntjer, and Derek Elbers.  I am grateful for the men from our congregation who maintain our county and state roads.  In addition, I am grateful for several men from our congregation who volunteer their time to serve on the fire department.  And I am also grateful for those who serve on the Emergency Medical Team.  As I think about it, I thank God for all of you who play a part in making Luverne a great place to live out our God given purpose.

Just like in the body of Christ where everyone is vitally important, so too, a community is only as good as the “Erastus’s” who faithfully complete the good works which God has prepared in advance for them to do.  Thank you so much!!

…The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you… I, Mike Altena, who wrote down this article, greet you in the Lord.  Mike Altena


My Mouth Will Speak Your Praise

I was recently visiting with one of our farmers and he was telling me about how good some of the yields are in his fields. He said it’s amazing what kind of crop God can produce with so little rain during the most critical growing stage this summer.

And then I’ve had at last three conversations in the past ten days with people who are facing significant health issues; each of them shared with me about how they were experiencing the power and presence of God.

Add to it, my cousin’s daughter and her husband recently buried their 12 day old baby girl who died from significant birth defects. And yet she spoke of how she experienced the comfort and grace of God in those 12 days.

On top of that, yesterday a gal shared with me how God had done an amazing work of reconciliation in the midst of some conflicted relationships.

Oh and then I mustn’t forget the testimony of a couple from Woodstock that I will be marrying in a few weeks. In doing their homework the future husband shared with me how God clearly warned him about being harsh with his fiancée while doing his homework. He was overwhelmed with how much God loved him.

When spending some time reflecting on where I’ve seen God at work lately, the Spirit reminded me of Psalm 145. Let me encourage you to spend a few minutes meditating on each verse of this Psalm.

I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever.  Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.  Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.  One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.  They speak of the glorious splendor of your majesty—and I will meditate on your wonderful works.  They tell of the power of your awesome works—and I will proclaim your great deeds.  They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness.  The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love.  The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.  10 All your works praise you, Lord; your faithful people extol you.  11 They tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might, 12 so that all people may know of your mighty acts and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.  13 Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.  14 The Lord upholds all who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down.  15 The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time.  16 You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.  17 The Lord is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does.  18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.  19 He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.  20 The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked he will destroy.  21 My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord.  Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever.

OK after meditating for just a few minutes on the verses above, what praise is on your lips in regards to how the Lord has been revealing himself to you. What attribute of God do you celebrate today? What wonderful work of God could you tell your kids or grandkids about?

Feeling overwhelmed by my God the King,

Mike Altena


Golden Years

Please hear me, I’m by no means complaining, but a yearly check-up this week revealed that my glaucoma is progressing and a visit to the doctor due to intensifying pain in one shoulder and in one knee resulted in a diagnosis of tendinitis in both. In fact, I have a bag of ice on my knee as I’m writing this article.

As I was reflecting on the fact that my body seems to be falling apart, several things came to mind.  First, on the southwest side of our parking lot, there is a beautiful silver maple in the boulevard loaded with bright green leaves. However there is one section that is turning a beautiful shade of crimson red. I feel like that tree. Lord willing, I will have so many more days ahead of me where the leaves are green and don’t wither and fall off, and yet there are days when I feel like the leaves are beginning to turn color.

A second thought in regards to my increasingly “fragile and impotent matchstick body,” I thought of the truth written in Ecclesiastes 12:1-5, “Honor and enjoy your Creator while you’re still young, before the years take their toll and your vigor wanes, before your vision dims and the world blurs and the winter years keep you close to the fire. In old age, your body no longer serves you so well. Muscles slacken, grip weakens, joints stiffen. The shades are pulled down on the world. You can’t come and go at will. Things grind to a halt. The hum of the household fades away. You are wakened now by bird-song. Hikes to the mountains are a thing of the past. Even a stroll down the road has its terrors. Your hair turns apple-blossom white, adorning a fragile and impotent matchstick body. Yes, you’re well on your way to eternal rest,
while your friends make plans for your funeral.”

Now before you think I’m ready to order my six-sided pine coffin from Amazon for $30.95 plus shipping (oh yes, check it out J), I don’t want you to think I’m getting ready to tap out. But rather, as Paul would write in 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, day by day I am growing in living my life as if Jesus were living my life.

16-18 “So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.”

Regardless of what season of life you’re in—regardless of how old you feel—regardless of how well your body is functioning, may it be so of you and me that each day we live, love, and lead like Jesus.

And finally, let me also remind you to pray for the elderly of our congregation as they experience the effects of growing older; as many of them say to me, “The Golden Years aren’t so golden.”

Grace to you and peace! Mike Altena


Game Changer

“This is one of the most important invitations you have ever received. We need you (and your friends, family, employees and associates) to make Luverne “better than before.” Mike, we hope you consider coming. This will be a game changer for Luverne!”

Those were the opening sentences of an invitation I received prior to June 9, 2017 when the “internationally acclaimed planning consultant,” Roger Brooks, would be in town to present his analysis and suggestions to help Luverne become “an even greater place to live.” (Although I think the bottom line was to offer suggestions on how to improve on marketing Luverne in order to attract more tourists who would spend more money which would boost our local economy).

Well, after receiving such an urgent and passionate invitation, I certainly did not want to miss this game-changing event, and so I joined with the other 200 members of our community who couldn’t wait to hear the analysis of this highly influential change agent. During his presentation Mr. Brooks offered his insights into the uniqueness of what makes Luverne a great place to live which included the “beauty of the land,” the hard working people, the schools, and the places to work and play. He gave special kudos to the leaders of the community for the landscaping and the “Welcome to Luverne” sign on the corner of Highway 75 and Main which resulted in a vigorous celebration of hand-clapping.

In addition to all the areas our community could celebrate, Mr. Brooks also kindly and jokingly highlighted, and in some cases, sternly addressed several reasons why Luverne would not attract tourists, new residents or businesses. He identified several places of attraction and eating establishments that our community must promote as places to visit.  Many of his tips had to do with attracting people to our community and then making sure there is sufficient signage and information to help guide them. In addition he gave tips on what he believed would attract people to hang out and do business downtown.

Although I had to leave before Mr. Brook’s two and half hour presentation was over, I sensed an overwhelming excitement among those who had gathered. Many people were taking notes. Many heads nodded in agreement with Mr. Brooks insights and suggestions, and when I look around town some of his simpler suggestions are already being adopted.

That being said, I also sensed some resistance and doubt when Mr. Brooks suggested what kinds of businesses we need to bring to downtown and that the businesses should stay open later at night. (I wondered if some of them were thinking, well if we have to make the sacrifice to keep our businesses open later, then when will we have the time to go to Sioux Falls to dine and do our shopping J).

As I was observing the events of that morning, I was also thinking about the community of Jesus followers at American Reformed Church; especially in regards to the work the Ridder Church Renewal team has been doing over the past year of identifying our “current reality” in regards to our understanding of living on mission.

Our team is also excited to share our analysis with you and therefore we are inviting you to join us on Sunday morning, September 10, as we continue to pursue our exciting journey of how God is leading us to his emerging and preferred future. In addition to celebrating God’s good work in and through us, we will also consider the challenges that are holding us back from even more faithful and fruitful missional living.

In the mean time I also encourage you to accept God’s invitation to pray as found in Jeremiah 33:3, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”

I wonder, is God about to begin a “game changer” work in and through us?

Mike Altena