“In the beginning God”…that’s where a group of Pioneer Club kids and I started this past Wednesday night during activity time. For a few weeks this group has been experimenting with different science projects, doing their best to understand why things react and do the things they do. The final lesson of the unit was about the Creator of all things along with what was supposed to be a brief discussion of Genesis 1:1-2. It was Awards Night so we did not have much time, but these first four words in the Bible grabbed the boys’ attention and sparked many questions and deep thought. Soon the room was full of curiosity and the leader and I smiled as we heard things like, “Wait! God was there before time…like always was…but…wait! How was He there before anything? That’s mind blowing!” “It took God six days to create everything and then He rested on the seventh day. So, shouldn’t the Sabbath be on Saturday?” “How did there get to be more people. Adam and Eve only had boys.”
While we didn’t exactly accomplish what I had walked in the room to do, I left filled knowing they could not get enough of learning about their Creator. The Holy Spirit was among us and it blessed my heart to watch them soak in what we shared in those brief fifteen minutes. I have promised to return with some information next week as I did not have a good answer for a question or two and I’m already looking forward to our time together!
At one point in our discussion someone asked how I knew so much about God, so I turned the question back to the group and had each of them to tell me something they knew about God. A few were hesitant with their answer and others rattled off several facts. I then asked, “So how do you know those things?” While there were a variety of answers, they all agreed most of their knowledge had come from listening to their parents, teachers at church, and reading the Bible.
While I was flattered they thought I knew so much, I told them they could know as much or more if they did one simple thing each day – spend time with God while reading the Bible. I shared how God speaks to me through His Word and I feel fresh and renewed after our time together. As I’ve grown to know God, life’s challenges seem a bit clearer, there’s been more peace in the storm, and I have experienced great joy in serving my Heavenly Father each day.
After our conversation Wednesday night it caused me to pause and consider how I am doing at home with my own children. Have I put as much effort into sharing Jesus with them this week as I have stressed the importance of completing their homework for school? Each morning they see me sit and spend time with God, but how am I doing at encouraging them to do the same on a regular basis? What do I need to change in their schedule to allow time for them to find rest at the feet of their Savior? Parents, we are our children’s greatest example and with a burning desire they are looking to us to lead them to their Creator. We may not have all the answers, but we can find those answers together when we dig into God’s Word and actively allow Him to walk alongside us in this journey of life.
“But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Becky Ossefoort