When spring finally arrived this year, you could find AJ at the ball diamond. He loves to play baseball and enjoys time spent with his friends while tossing the ball around. Over the years it has been fun to watch him develop his skills and grow his knowledge of the game. AJ plays with a smile on his face even when mistakes are made and we often see his cute, little dimples from the stands after a well-executed play – all the way from the outfield! He and his teammates encourage one another and brush off their frustrations well. Win or lose, when the game is over, they are all the best of buds. I may be biased, but it is a joy to watch those boys play together!
Over the years, each player has found their position on the field. AJ most often finds himself in center field or on the pitching mound. When he is in the outfield it never ceases to amaze me how quick he is to get into position and nab a ball out of the air, swiftly throwing it back to the infield. While I enjoy watching him throw pitches from the mound, it does make this mom a little nervous with each crack of the bat. I worry about that sweet little boy getting hurt by a line drive baseball to the shins or mouth. He thinks I am ridiculous and continues working on his technique anyway. A few weeks ago he came to me complaining of shoulder pain. He is not one to complain too quickly, so my mind immediately thought of all the terrible things it could be. After a visit to the school trainer, she recommended some rest and heat. Mom maybe overreacted a little bit. The instructions to rest left AJ a little bummed and disappointed he would not be able to give it his all at practice or during a game. After about a week, the coach had him back on the mound tossing strikes – with a big, bright smile on his face.
Does life ever get you down? It seems as though life throws a curve ball of sorts and suddenly you have been plunged into this sea of fear and uncertainty. To some degree, I believe we have all experienced this sudden sense of tragedy, doubt, and disappointment. It’s not an easy journey, nor is it much fun. The last few days I’ve heard of several people who have been left feeling hurt, discouraged or let down. The following was a part of my recent morning devotions and I’d like to share it with you as a source of love and encouragement.
“The Cure for Disappointment” from He Still Moves Stones:
“Come and see what God has done, the amazing things he has done for people.” Psalm 66:5
We need to hear that God is still in control. We need to hear that it’s not over until he says so. We need to hear that life’s mishaps and tragedies are not a reason to bail out. They are simply a reason to sit tight.
Corrie ten Boom used to say, “When the train goes through a tunnel and the world gets dark, do you jump out? Of course not. You sit still and trust the engineer to get your through”…
The way to deal with discouragement? The cure for disappointment? Go back and read the story of God. Read it again and again. Be reminded that you aren’t the first person to weep. And you aren’t the first person to be helped.
Read the story and remember, the story is yours!
“So let us rejoice because of what he did. He rules forever with his power.” Psalm 66:6b-7a
Becky Ossefoort