Discover Your Purpose

While on our trip to Haiti I engaged several people who had hopes of discovering more clearly God’s purpose and plan for their life.  One person in particular expressed a real sense of frustration in that she believed God had created her for more than she was experiencing.  I believe God has hard-wired each one of us with a longing to fulfill our created purpose and I also believe that discovering our purpose in life isn’t as difficult as we make it.
While I’d have to admit, I’ve also spent a great deal of energy pursuing why it was that God saved me, one of the tools that has been most helpful is the Emerging Journey.  Basically, the Emerging Journey is a discipleship tool designed to take a person on a meaningful walk with a group of people guided by three primary questions: Who is God? Who am I? And what does God want to do through my life?
Several weeks ago Vicki and I held an informational meeting for those who might be interested in such a journey.  For those who weren’t able to attend, but might be interested, let me briefly explain the process.  The Emerging Journey is a fairly high commitment experience.  We will work through four manuals with seven lessons each.  In addition to the manuals, each person will read the book of Esther, the story of David, the Gospel of Luke, and four other books.  We will meet each week for two hours for 34 weeks with the exception of taking two weeks off for Christmas.  The homework will consist of an additional two to four hours per week depending how much effort you put into it.  The cost of the materials is $285, although we may have possibility of securing some scholarship dollars.  Our intent is to meet on Monday nights; however we may meet on Sunday evenings during harvest.
After reading about the process, you might have come to the conclusion that this is only for those who are serious about discovering God’s purpose and plan for your life; however, I’ll guarantee you will not be disappointed.  This is completely different than any other Bible study you have done.  It’s not so much about learning information as it is about discovering what God has been doing in your life.  God’s promise in Jeremiah 29:13-14 (The Message Paraphrase), “When you come looking for me, you’ll find me. Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I’ll make sure you won’t be disappointed. God’s Decree.”
Now why do I tell you all this?  Because now is the time to sign up.  Each group is limited to ten people and I’m not sure that we will do more than two groups, so if we need to get another facilitator trained, we need to know that very soon.  So far, I’ve had four people show interest, so if you are interested, don’t procrastinate, please contact me before July 17.
Completing the good works…,

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