Our family has experienced several firsts this fall. Our daughter, Kaylie, started high school and our youngest son, Evan, started kindergarten. It is hard to believe our little guy is old enough to start school and possibly even harder to believe I am old enough to have a high schooler! Josh and I have come to understand the “careful, they grow up quickly” phrase everyone uttered when we were just beginning our family.
As we began the school year, Evan was so excited to hop on the bus and go to school. He was looking forward to seeing his friends every day, wearing his backpack, and using his gym shoes. After his first day he reported it had been a great day! There were no tears as we sent him down the driveway to the bus the next morning, either. His report on the second day was similar to the previous day, except he added, “Dad, maybe tomorrow I could just skip school and stay home and help you.” We all laughed and went on with our evening. The next morning he was convinced he would be staying home. On the morning of day four, he suggested Daddy come get him from school to help unload pigs and then bring him back to school when they were done. Yes, it is going to be a long, long 13 years!
This got me to thinking about my relationship with my Heavenly Father. When I first accepted God’s invitation to begin a relationship with Him I did everything I could to serve my Master. Working as His servant daily was pure joy and I was excited to share with my friends, read the Bible and worked diligently for the kingdom. Yet, as I served Him, I started spending less and less time with Him each day. Eventually my Bible was only cracked open on Sundays, my to do list grew, and the praise music could only be heard faintly in the background. What happened to the excitement of serving my Master?
Last week Mike’s message asked us to search our heart and ask ourselves if we really truly believed God loved us. I have had times in my life where I did question God’s love for me. Times I thought I was so unworthy of God’s grace, and caused me to wander away from God all together. I served only one master – myself. Since being born again, I have experienced God’s love over and over again. He is my Defender, my Father, the God who saves me, Comforter, Redeemer, Teacher…the list goes on. After the message last week, I was not left wondering does God love me, rather how much do I really love God. Is He truly my greatest passion?
It is so easy to lose sight of what is truly important as I run kids here and there, the laundry piles up, and my to do list grows. Eventually my quiet time with God tends to get shorter and shorter with each passing day. The busyness often distracts me from what I long to have as my greatest passion. Yet, I soon recognize something is missing and know I’ve neglected what is essential in my life.
I’m so grateful I serve the Father depicted in the story we know of the Prodigal Son. (Luke 15) Whether I’m the prodigal or the brother who has allowed the cares of daily life to overshadow his relationship with the father; I know that God is always patiently waiting to restore the joy of His salvation.
When it comes to our relationship with God, may it not be so with us that we spend all of our time doing what seems so urgent, but rather may we be intentional about spending time with our Creator. If you have wandered and question God’s love for you, maybe ask yourself how deeply you love your Maker. I can promise you He loves you more than you can ever imagine. Turn around, He is waiting for you with arms open wide and He is calling you home. Becky Ossefoort