Extra Days

Several people have asked me if I have been enjoying fewer activities in the youth department. I must admit, this comment makes me chuckle inside just a bit. While I was happy to see the Midweek and Sunday School season come to a pause, the VBS planning was just revving into high gear. Tomorrow morning nearly 150 students and over 50 teachers, leaders, and helpers will come through our doors. Knowing all the details are in place, all Cave Snot kits are ready to go, and everyone knows what their responsibility is for the week has more than filled my time!

Soon our week of VBS will come to a close and then the youth group will be loading up the vans and trailer next Saturday morning for the mission trip to Benton Harbor, MI. As I look at my own calendar, I see the month of June disappearing quickly. Before I know it my kids will be busy finishing the details on their fair projects, and then August will be here. Yet, when I look at this summer’s calendar it looks a little different than the years past. Because of the new school start date in Luverne, my children will actually get an extra two weeks added to their regular summer vacation.

I say great! Think of the extra time we can spend with each other and do fun things as a family. Fourteen extra days for them to say “Mom, I’m so bored. There isn’t anything to do around here!” Ah, yes, summer vacation! J

So, what do you plan on doing with the days of summer? Have you asked your child what they want to do with their extra-long summer? I’d like to challenge everyone to put their summer to good use. Perhaps you could start by asking yourself these basic questions:

What is something you are doing that you want to get better at, and how do you plan to do that?

What is one new thing you would like to try and/or learn about?

Once a week, what type of service would you commit to doing?

As a family, ask the same questions. How can your family grow together in service, and shine Jesus’ light to those in your circle of influence? The opportunities are endless, but here are some ideas our family came up with to help get you started:

-Visit a nursing home resident regularly -Help a neighbor with yardwork -Go out for ice cream

-Take snacks to the hospital staff -Learn to play a new sport together

-Make and bring a meal to someone in need -Run errands for an elderly person

-Take care of another family’s children so parents can go out

-Plant a garden and donate produce -Volunteer together regularly

I know we haven’t added any days to our year, but at our house we have added 14 less “school night bedtimes” and I pray we can utilize that time to grow together as individuals and as a family. Will you commit to being intentional with how you spend these extra days or will they slide by like summers past? Don’t let this rare opportunity pass you by. We all know how quickly time can pass, so get started brainstorming today how you will not only bless someone in need, but grow closer as a family.

As I was typing this article I was reminded of our theme verse from last summer’s Power Connection. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23)  Go and be blessed to be a blessing this summer!   Becky Ossefoort

We all know we are better at committing and actually doing things when we have an accountability partner. So, Cory and I are willing to do just that. Contact either of us and we will check-in each week to see how it is going.



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