The theme verse for the mission trip the RCYF attended in Benton Harbor Michigan a few weeks ago was “We love because God first loved us.” 1 John 4:19. It seems easy enough to follow God’s command to love others, yet I found this verse to challenge me while in Michigan and it continues now that we are home.
The community of Benton Harbor is very different than here in Luverne. Most of the community members do not look like us, houses are not kept the same as the average home here, and many are without employment. As my group worked the first day, we laughed and had fun while doing our task. As the day went on, the landscaping assignment was taking shape and we had some time left in our day for another project. A few of us began picking up trash in a vacant lot across the street from the home we were at. As we worked, we noticed some neighbors come out of their house to sit in their yard and watch us work. Someone made a comment that it would be nice if these individuals would offer us a hand or at the very least keep their neighborhood clean after we left. It seemed so simple to us, yet in this community these values we hold seem to not be taught. We discussed our frustration and wondered why they felt different than us. As quickly as a few judgmental thoughts entered my mind I heard a whisper say “But I love them, Becky.”
19We love because he first loved us. 20Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. 21And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister. 1 John 4
As I pondered these things in my mind, I realized loving others is not always as easy as I had first thought. Without even saying “hi,” I chose to not love as Christ loves me. Many times in my life my actions have been less than loveable, but never – not even once – has God ceased to love me. It’s true of all of us. Our minds quickly make conclusions when we encounter someone who looks a little different than us or has a lifestyle unlike our own. Unfortunately, because of these thoughts, we may fail to see the unique individual God loves and created them to be.
Our Youth Works Trip Journal summed it up this way: We were unable to love: Unable to love God. Unable to love others. But God loved us anyway. Not with a flimsy, only-when-it’s-convenient, once-in-a-while kind of love. But with a deep, all-of-the-time, for-all-of-time kind of love. A love that takes root and gives life. A love that fills us, changes us, flows from us into the world. And so, we are able to love: Able to love God. Able to love others.
Even though our stories do not all look the same, it turns out God is at work in each of our lives. Every moment we walk here on earth is our journey of God redeeming and loving us. May it never be said of us that we only loved those who look and act like us. May we spread Christ’s love by inviting others into our lives so we may share His goodness, promises, and forgiveness for all. We spread His love – a love that fills us, changes us, and flows from us into the world.
Becky Ossefoort