I would like to start my little article with a thank you. Thank you for all your prayers, the support I have received, and your help in our ministry here at American Reformed Church. I appreciate how we have embraced the tweaks and changes we have made. Change can be scary; but I’ve enjoyed seeing the fruit from our thoughtful evaluations as we seek do follow God’s desire. There is so much joy finding yourself being used as an instrument for God’s great plan.
One of the most recent modifications has been the children’s offering. The Discipleship Team desires to ensure we are teaching our children about what our offerings are and how it is an act of worship given to our Heavenly Father. The kindergarten through fifth grade classes have even had the opportunity to vote a few times where they would like to send our money to bless others. Just last week the children voted to purchase a foot powered water pump (or perhaps two!) for a village. I was once again surprised they chose a boring piece of equipment and not the cute pink piglet. After I commented on their choice, George A. Bonnema asked if he could say something about the option they had chosen. Eager to hear what he had to say, I welcomed his comment. He told the kids he was happy they had chosen the pump because often times when only one family receives an animal or something similar, it can create jealousy in the village. This was something that would go farther than only blessing one family. Thank you George, for sharing from your heart and seizing that teachable moment!
Our offering in February was for school lunch accounts. It was meant to help families who are caught in the gap of not having money to purchase a school lunch, but do not qualify for a reduced lunch. The reasons could be endless; maybe a parent has just lost a job or medical bills have piled up. Whatever the reason, we set out to bless families. We had a total of $600 to use to bless those around us. Turns out we have students in six different school districts here at ARC, so each district received $100. Now, for the fun part! I sat down to begin the process of making phone calls to explain why they would be receiving a check in the mail to the different school superintendents and other staff. Each one took the news a little differently. Some with great excitement; some were in a state of disbelief; others knew exactly where the money was needed. That was the reaction that left me in tears on the phone.
At one of the schools I was put in touch with the woman who handles the lunch accounts. I again explained what we were doing to which she replied, “God’s providential timing is amazing.” We both sat in silence for a few seconds until I commented she must know the perfect family for our gift. She went on to explain there had been a family who had been eating cold sandwiches for about a month and this month there wasn’t any money for sandwiches. We were both completely overwhelmed when we realized this would feed these children a warm meal for the rest of the school year. I couldn’t speak for a minute or so. We both sat on our end of the phone with tear filled eyes in silence knowing as sisters in Christ, God was at work.
I was blessed that day. It was so much fun to be used as His instrument in not only blessing the family who would receive the gift, but the woman who would get the joy of sharing the gift with the family. So, thank you ARC family. Thank you for embracing our ministry of not only being an example to our students, but allowing me to be able to share how God is at work through their acts of worship. May we always give generously from the heart, as we seek to glorify and honor our great and mighty God.
“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24 Becky Ossefoort