A two-mile-wide tornado ripped through Moore, Oklahoma, on May 20. Twenty-four people were killed—including nine children—and 240 were injured. As many as 13,000 homes were destroyed. Reformed Church World Service immediately launched disaster response efforts with partner World Renew.
Early response coordinators are already in Moore, helping with spiritual care and needs assessment. In time, volunteers will be needed for rebuilding and repair work. In the meantime, financial donations are urgently needed. A special offering will be received on Sunday, June 9 during the regular morning offering. Please enclose your donation in an envelope and designate it for Tornado Relief or mark it on your regular offering envelope.
Please pray for the people whose lives have been torn apart by this tornado—for people who have lost loved ones, suffered injury, or sustained damage to their homes or businesses. Pray too for the rescue workers, first responders, and early response coordinators.