How Refreshing!

Refreshments will be served”. Have these four words ever caught your attention? They tend to tickle my taste buds. I enjoy refreshments. The announcement hints at the possibility of homemade sugary delights, but at the very least promises a cold glass of water or a steaming cup of coffee. In addition to the morsels of goodness that come to my tongue, the conversations and togetherness that tend to accompany the tidbits of sustenance fill my heart as well.

In reality, there are many things that bring refreshment. Rain showers reinvigorate the earth after a dry spell. Sunny days breathe new life into a dismal winter season. A visit from a friend, encouraging words, or a whole-hearted hug replenishes a parched soul. We are refreshed by a good night of sleep or a nap in the arms of our favorite Lazy Boy.

Last week Saturday God served up some refreshment to a small group of people who participated in the Winter Retreat. The whole event was a day of renewal, bringing about inspiration and challenge. Worship was uplifting, the teachings were inspiring, conversations with fellow believers were joyous, but the unexpected bit of refreshment for me came from a woman named Judith. Judith was not invited to the retreat. She had not received a registration form, or read any announcements concerning the event, or gotten called and encourage to attend. She was simply there.

I had never met Judith before. She was a jolly soul and reminded me of a character from a childhood tale who appears out of nowhere at the innocent wish of a child. I had been praying for God to use this day as a pick-me-up for myself and others, and to speak clearly to his children. And he sent Judith. Innocently enough, Judith stopped at the church to use the restroom. (While that may seem odd to some of you, it is not uncommon at all.) The sounds of music were echoing through the building as our guest entered the church and she was captivated to join us in worship. Not by coincidence, she grabbed a seat behind me. After introducing myself and explaining the logistics of the day, Judith felt welcome enough to stay and listen to the words of Clay Harris, and join us in our small group discussion.

As I was already a bit nervous about leading a small group, I questioned God and wondered what he was up to placing Judith in my group. I hoped there wouldn’t be awkward silence, and there wasn’t. Judith was very confident in her faith, secure in her relationship with God, and at ease in embracing life with complete strangers. We shared delightful conversations, unique observations, and many laughs. It was utterly refreshing to share this time together. Judith shared with me how welcomed she felt by everyone there. And as mysteriously as Judith came, she left that afternoon and I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye.

As I reflected that evening on all that had happened, I texted a friend and told her, “I met Jesus today; his name was Judith”. You see, the Bible tells us that God created us in his own image and we are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory through the Spirit. I saw Jesus in the presence of Judith. His love and passion radiated from her. I saw attributes in her that I desired for myself. Whether Judith knew it or not, she was on a divine appointment that morning.

May the same be true of us, that when people spend time with us, they encounter Jesus. Proverbs 11:25 says “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” I pray that Judith was refreshed by our presence also.

Erin Jacobsma


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