How’s Your Hearing?

Selective hearing. Is this a common disorder in your home and family? I had a good chuckle about it just last weekend at Austin’s baseball game. My mother-in-law said something to my father-in-law and Josh, but they were both completely oblivious to anything she was saying. They kept watching and cheering not hearing a word she said. With a smirk and a slight eye roll, she turned to me and said “Selective hearing, it must run in the family!” We had a good laugh and continued watching the players take home a victory.

I would like to believe I hear well, but the truth be told, I know I don’t hear everything I should. My kids call for me and when I don’t answer their plea becomes louder – but I would never pretend not to hear them! J When I reflect on my day, I all too often see where God asked me to do something, but I didn’t hear Him. Even worse, I sometimes choose not to hear Him. Often times the small, gentle voice of God is simply drowned out by the noise this world has to offer. How my soul wrestles to tone out the racket and simply be still and listen.

Last week the staff had the opportunity to take a retreat to Inspiration Hills for a day of quiet, reflection, and listening. Among the busyness of spring activities and preparing for a week of VBS, I wasn’t sure how I would have the time. Yet, my soul longed for a day to focus only on my Heavenly Father and be refreshed. Now before you think we all played hooky for the day, this was part of the study we are working through together called “A Way of Life.” Every one of us has been invited into a friendship with God and this study explores a way of life that is faithful to God’s good work. A portion of the study included a retreat to spend two hours alone in solitude and prayer.

In the scriptures we often see Jesus “retreating.” He would often withdraw from the crowds and things He was doing to spend time with His Father in prayer. Jesus knew the importance of having quiet time alone with the Father, in order to draw closer and be restored. Our “A Way of Life” study book puts it this way, “We must build into our lives what Jesus did – a deserted place to pray – if we hope to engage the world compassionately like Jesus. We need extended times and quiet places to stop, to reflect, to pray. For there we encounter more deeply our dignity, mystery, and uniqueness as persons in God’s image.”

Our lives are jam-packed full of responsibilities and distractions, and when you think about it, Jesus’ life was somewhat similar. He was always with his disciples teaching them; he was often interrupted by someone who desired His healing touch or others who wanted to challenge His teaching; and then there were the crowds who followed Him. Can you imagine being followed by thousands? How quickly one could grow weary from that!

What about you? How’s your hearing? Do you hear all that your Heavenly Father has to say to you? Do you yearn for a retreat to drink in the goodness of your Lord and Savior? May it not be so with us that we were so deafened by this chaotic world’s noise and busyness we could not hear the sweet, gentle voice of our great Master.

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31b

Becky Ossefoort


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