Over the past couple of months we have been singing a song called “Child of God” by Hillsong during some of our worship services. Every time the music begins and the screen comes to life, I get choked up thinking about these words. “Who am I that the highest King would welcome me? I was lost but He brought me in; oh His love for me.” I cannot even begin to comprehend why God would want anything to do with a sinner like me and I am overwhelmed by his love! Tears fill my eyes, and I can hardly utter the words out loud. But within the 30 seconds that it takes to get to the next phrase in the song – “Who the Son sets free, oh is free indeed. I’m a child of God, Yes I am” – I want to raise my hands and my “hallelujah” and run through the aisles proclaiming my freedom!
But it’s the words that come next that I’ve been contemplating this week. “I am chosen, not forsaken. I am who You say I am. You are for me; not against me. I am who You say I am.”
I am who you say I am? Who does God say that I am?
Since the beginning of 2018, in response to Saul’s question in Acts 9:5 “Who are you, Lord” I have been going through the book of Psalms writing down everything that I know and can be certain of and proclaim about my Lord. My search has assured me that he is a shield around me, he hears my weeping, he searches minds and hearts, he watches over the way of the righteous, he laughs at those who plot against him, his love is unfailing, he does not disappoint, he is my Shepherd, all his ways are loving and faithful, he is my hope, he is King forever and ever. I could go on and on. My pen has lined many pages with my confidence about who God is.
But who am I? I was introduced to this world as Erin Gayle Teunissen. But that’s just a name. Over my lifetime, the enemy has led me to believe that I am less than, average, unimportant, insignificant, and worthless. For many years those were the words I believed. But that’s not the truth. God sees me in a different light. I am his beloved. I am chosen. I am forgiven. I am holy. I am free from condemnation through Christ’s death.
I started going back through the book of Psalms to see if there were things that I could be certain of about who I am. I discovered that I am blessed, I am set apart, I am crowned with glory and honor, I have a delightful inheritance, I am the apple of his eye, I am protected, I am armed with God’s strength, I will not be in want, I am blessed because my transgressions are forgiven and my sins are covered. I am a child of God.
So who are you? Do you believe what the lies of the enemy say about you or are you going to believe the Truth? Satan knows your name, but calls you by your sin. Jesus knows your sins, but calls you by your name. You are valued and loved.
I have been called many names over the years, some names of affection and some I’d like to forget. As a child, I hated my given name. But listen to this from Revelation 2:17: “To him who overcomes, I will give a white stone, and a new name written on the stone which no one knows but he who receives it.”
Imagine that… God has a pet name for you. A term of endearment. Maybe it’s a descriptive name, but it will be yours and only yours. Today, choose to believe that you are who he says you are. You are a child of God. Live like it! Erin Jacobsma