Ignoring the Lines

I’d like to share one more lesson from the Highway 75 project. You may remember after the resurfacing process was complete that there were no visible painted lanes on the road surface for about two weeks. Then one day a special machine was brought in to etch the new three lane figuration into the asphalt so the new paint would last longer. Although there were still no painted lines, the new lanes became slightly visible because a thin layer of asphalt had been removed.

Well, the emotional hook for me was that even though there were still no painted lines, after the lines were etched into the asphalt the drivers immediately began driving within the boundaries of those new lanes. People immediately began driving in the two lanes rather than in the four lanes. (Except me of course; because there were still no painted lines, I just kept driving as if it was a four lane road J).

And then what made it more interesting for me during those two days was, even though there were no lanes marked by paint, I wondered if I could safely assume that I could use the new turning lane, or would the oncoming traffic think I was on their portion of the road.

As I reflected on how quickly the drivers made the adjustment to new lane configuration even though there were still no painted lanes, I realized the same is true of you and me. You and I really don’t need to see the printed words of the Ten Commandments written on a piece of paper or carved into a piece of granite slate because God has already etched his law on our hearts. We know in our hearts how God has created us to live in community.

As it says in Jeremiah 31:33-34, “But this is the new covenant I will make with the people of Israel after those days,” says the Lord. “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. 34 And they will not need to teach their neighbors, nor will they need to teach their relatives, saying, ‘You should know the Lord.’ For everyone, from the least to the greatest, will know me already,” says the Lord. “And I will forgive their wickedness, and I will never again remember their sins.”

So the truth is, even though some county seats and state capitals are removing the Ten Commandments from their property, we need not fear that people won’t know right from wrong because God has already etched his instructions deep on our hearts. Even thought the “painted lines” may no longer be visible, people know the damaging effect idolatry, blaspheming God, dishonoring parents, stealing, contempt, lust, and lying has on our communities.

Which then leaves the real problem; a rebellious heart. There are far too many people who know deep in their hearts that they should love God with all of their heart, soul, mind and strength, and their neighbors as themselves, and yet they choose to ignore and live outside of the law of God.

Father, may it not be so with us. May you grant us repentance. May you guard us from veering off onto the wide road that leads to destruction and keep us firmly rooted on the narrow road that leads to life. We give you thanks for giving us a new heart and putting a new spirit in us. We give you thanks for taking out our stony, stubborn heart and giving us a tender, responsive heart. And therefore as your people, may we submit to your Holy Spirit as we carefully live within your law of love.

Following in the dust of the rabbi,

Mike Altena


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