May of 2019 has arrived. Over the years, with each flip of the calendar, I knew this month would come and now – it’s here. Kaylie’s High School Graduation will be here in just a few short days. Like any parent has experienced before me, this day is bittersweet. There is no greater excitement than watching your child grow, mature, and seek the path God is leading them to. Some days it is hard to contain the joy that flows out of my heart as I watch her, but there are also days I realize I have so much I want to teach her yet. Thankfully we have a lifetime to share together and she’s not wandering too far from home this fall.
The ARC Class of 2019 holds a special place in my heart, not only because my daughter is in it, but because many special people in my life are part of it. This class is one of the first groups of students I taught here at ARC. Our journey together has taken us through Sunday School classes, Christmas Programs, the very first year of Pioneer Clubs, VBS, RCYF, mission trips, Power Connection, Rocky Mountain High, and countless other encounters. A few of the girls have lovingly called me “Mama Becky” for several years and I, too, count them as my honorary daughters whom I love very much. I have prayed for each of these students, I have cried with many of them, I have watched mistakes be made, and I have witnessed them surrender their life to Christ. A special group of kids I will never forget.
I think we would all agree raising kids in this broken world of chaos is difficult. Eighteen years sounds like a healthy amount of time and yet a lot has to be taught within them. We not only teach with words, but our actions as well. The things we give our time and energy to are all evidence of what is important and valuable to us. Naturally, over time, our children begin to mimic our actions and values. When I think of discipling a child, I often think of Timothy in the Bible. While he grew up with a Gentile father, his mother and grandmother were believers and loved Jesus. Eunice and Lois were both great examples of influencing a child to be a Christ follower, yet there are few details of the ladies actually discipling him. In fact, what we know of Timothy is mostly found through Paul’s writing. In one letter, Paul writes to Timothy “and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” (2 Tim. 3:15) Evidence of loved ones modeling Christ in all they did and taught, from the very beginning.
The words of Paul cause me to consider how I am influencing my own children. Do my actions and words speak of Christ or show my heart is really after the things of this world? Each morning when I rise, am I witness to seeking the Father’s face before I start my daily list of tasks and appointments? It also causes me to wonder about our church family within the ministry here at ARC. Are we preparing our Sunday School and other youth lessons with great joy and anticipation of the Lord speaking to the hearts of our students, or merely passing on a story that happens to be found in God’s Word. What about our regular practices and church activities; are we giving our whole selves in worship and praise to our Creator and Master, or simply participating and marking ourselves present each Sunday?
You see, I don’t believe Timothy’s mother and grandmother simply taught him the scriptures and complacently lived out their faith halfheartedly. I believe they were very purposeful and talked about their faith as they sought God with each and every breath. I pray that this too, may be our discipleship strategy both in our homes and here within our church family.
Congratulations Class of 2019! Thank you for the memories, the love, and all they ways you have influenced me by shining Christ’s light in this dark and broken world.
Becky Ossefoort