Learning through Giving

Last December we started taking the children’s mission offering a little differently than we have in the past. It is the desire of the Discipleship Team to be more intentional in teaching our children about their offerings to God. In fact, today’s Sunday School lesson for the elementary students is based on just that! Let me take a minute to update you on how our children have been blessing God with their offerings.

At the beginning of January, I had the elementary students decide where January’s offerings would go. They chose between purchasing a goat and two chicks for a family or clean water for two through World Vision. Each gift would cost $100 and they were excited to see two people get clean water. Well, they surprised me! Not only did they provide clean water for two people; they provided clean water for ten! Our check was mailed and we praise God for allowing us to be used in His kingdom.

Since in January we supported a mission “globally”, in February we chose a local blessing strategy. I once again proposed two options for the students to vote for. The option they chose was to bless those in need of help paying for their school lunches. This was not meant to pay for all negative lunch accounts, rather those that struggle to pay for their meals even while on some type of assistance. Our focus in the month of February was to assist those who are on a reduced fee lunch but still struggle to pay their portion because of other bills and circumstances. We wanted to help bring their negative lunch accounts back in the black.

Last month I checked with the local school to be sure this would be a possibility. We went through the different ways we could do this and I told them I’d see them in a month. This week I was given additional information when I went to get the details on how to best get the money where it belonged. I discovered the state of Minnesota is now matching the reduced fee lunches making them free. So, in order to bless families in the six school districts ARC has students in, I am working with the guidance counselor from each to find a family that does not qualify for assistance, but is struggling financially. The same goal of reaching those in need will be reached, but we are going about it just a touch differently than previously planned. This will be an anonymous gift and we will not know who receives it. These families will be sent a note that there has been a gift placed in their lunch account to bless them.

Moving into March, we will once again be supporting a global project. For this month’s giving, we will be supporting Lacy as she begins raising support to become a career missionary in Africa. Lacy is a graduate from Southwest Christian High School and has a heart on fire to bring the gospel to areas that have never heard it before. We were blessed to hear her testimony last fall after she returned from an undisclosed location and I look forward to following her life as she goes where God calls her. Today she will share some of her experiences with the children during our Sunday School time together.

As we continue to move forward in our giving and teaching, I am looking forward to watching our students learn how we honor God through our gifts. Please keep this and all our teachings here in your prayers as we continue to live and love like Jesus.

Becky Ossefoort



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