I was one of the lucky kids who grew up in the same community as all of her grandparents. There were many hugs, treats, and so many fun times together as I ponder the memories of growing up. Each Sunday we would visit one side of the family or the other for afternoon coffee. I’d play with my cousins, and run around the family farms exploring all they had to offer. After Grandpa and Grandma Stoel moved to town, my siblings and I would walk to their house after catechism and Sunday School to get our fix of molasses cookies and “Grandma’s Nectar” (a.k.a. juice). Grandma, with an incredible gift of hospitality, was always preparing something sweet to serve her guests. Just thinking about it makes me crave my favorite treats she made with love.
Grandparents are special people and each of mine hold a very special place in my heart. I was well into my thirties when I lost my first grandparent and my own three children have been fortunate to know seven of their eight great-grandparents. Last week Saturday evening I received news my Grandpa Stoel had passed away. Sudden, yes; but it was evident his nearly ninety year old body was failing in recent weeks, so not completely unexpected.
Each of my sweet, loving grandparents has left a mark on my life. They leave a legacy of many children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. However, something even more incredible than 37 great-grandchildren under the age of 17, is the legacy of faith they have left with each of us. Each of my grandparents carefully helped my parents raise me to know my Creator. Not a meal went by without teaching me who had ultimately provided us with it; not a day passed without thanking God for another day on this earth; and not a prayer of blessing was missed for each of the tiny children they held in their arms.
The scripture Grandpa chose for his funeral is found in 2 Timothy chapter 2 verse 3. “Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.” At first I found it to be an odd selection, but after reading it and the verses surrounding it again, it summed up all that he was for in this life rather well. When Paul wrote this letter he was challenging Timothy to continue to spread the Gospel of Christ at all cost. Timothy would need to have discipline, train hard and endure all things for the sake of letting all know of the Savior.
My Grandpa knew his Savior and with each day he set out to instill in his children (and his children’s children) right from wrong, teach them of Jesus, and make sure they knew the many promises the Lord has given each of us. Together my grandparents endured the pain of losing a son in a tragic accident, and both were challenged with a few health ordeals over the years. Though Grandpa was perhaps a bit rough around the edges at times, the quiet and gentle whisper of his Savior was spoken through words and actions, and a reflection of his faith was found in the things he stood firmly for.
Hebrews 12:1 says “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” I thank God for all witnesses of my faith; both those tucked in the Bible and those I’ve been blessed with in my lifetime here on earth.
So as I reflect on the many memories of my Grandpa, I am left with the thought of what will my legacy look like when I am laid to rest one day. We each have one to leave, after all, and ultimately only we can determine if it points in the direction of our Savior.
Becky Ossefoort