Church Phone 507-283-8600

Youth Bulletin Board




Sr High Youth Group  for grades 9-12 meets Wednesdays, 6:15 PM!

Jr High Youth Group   for grades 7-8 meets Wednesdays, 6:30 PM!













Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser  Join us for pancakes and toppings, eggs, sausage, and beverages on Sunday, March 16, 11 AM-12:30 PM.  Freewill donation will help support the Sr High Youth Mission Trip in June 2025.

Mexican Supper, Bake-off and Auction    Tuesday, November 5 – Sr High Youth Group members will serve a Mexican themed supper from 5:30-7 PM for a freewill donation. Youth will also challenge others to a bake-off and auction off those baked items. Proceeds to benefit youth mission trips and other events.

Middle School Gathering  Grades 6-8  |  October 6, 2-4 PM  |  All 6th-8th grade students are invited to carve out some time and join us at church for a Pumpkin Spectacular filled with games, pumpkin guts, and snacks. Bring a friend, dress to be outside, and be ready to have some pump-tacular fun! It’s sure to be a gourd time!

Rocky+  is an experience to extend and amplify the excitement and anticipation of Rocky Mountain High. Grades 9-12 will travel to Northwestern College on Wednesday, October 9 for Rocky+ featuring Orchard Hill Collective and Ashley Bohinc. First group will leave at 6:00 PM; second group will leave at 6:20 PM; returning home around 10:15.

Power Connection    ARC students in grades 6-8, register for Power Connection taking place July 26-28 in St. Paul. Students and leaders will experience powerful worship, great messages, and loads of fun together. Register Here by February 29.

Middle School Gathering  Grades 6-8  |  January 28, 2-4 PM  |  Fear need not be a factor! Challenges, decisions, and teamwork will challenge all 6-8th grade students and their friends. Creepy games, extreme fun, and tasty snacks are provided!