Mission Where You Are

As we continue to journey together, presently walking through the Tangible Kingdom Primer as a church, I hope and pray that it opens all of our eyes to the calling God has on each of our lives to GROW and that we recognize each of us may be at a different stages in being missional.  Some of us are just warming up to the idea of taking baby steps in building relationships and extending a helping hand, others have been practicing this very thing within the walls of ARC for years, others are actively going out on mission within their circle of influence and still others have the courage to extend themselves wherever they see a need for God’s love in the community, nation and world.  Wherever you are in this, I assure you that God is smiling down on you!  Yet, if you feel safe in your endeavors, start praying to see an opportunity to stretch!  Take the next step, don’t be satisfied with where you are at.  I have learned over the years that if I am not growing, I am falling away.  There is no staying the same!  Not if you want to grow in any aspect of your life, but especially when we are called to grow God’s kingdom!

Look at the areas of being missional below.  First, recognize where you are at, then look at the others and ask God to show you how you can take steps to grow in being missional for Him.

  • Receiving and learning how to love like Jesus (attending services on Sunday, joining the choir, Bible studies, or life groups, attending retreats, etc.)
  • Reaching out to show Christ’s love within the walls of ARC (sending cards, giving words of encouragement, teaching, leading a life group, singing with a praise team, serving coffee, etc.)
  • Reaching out to show Christ’s love in your circle of influence (giving words of encouragement, inviting others to join you at church, at a Christian concert, Bible study or life group.)
  • Reaching out to show Christ’s love in your daily walk (having eyes to see those in need and taking the time to stop to show love in the midst of your busy day.)
  • Intentionally placing yourself in the midst of the lost and broken within the walls of ARC (teaching youth, joining prayer team, simply watching for those hurting and offering a hug or sending a card, visit the shut in, etc.)
  • Intentionally placing yourself in the midst of the lost and broken in your community (help at Atlas, Redeemed Remnants, deliver meals, sign up to do prison ministry, visit those in the nursing home and go beyond the ones you usually visit with.)
  • Mentor by inviting others to join you as you go on mission or humbly give testimony to the great things God is doing through your life and obedience.
  • Intentionally placing yourself in the midst of the lost and broken in our nation and world (mission trips, watching for people who are hurting as you travel, you never know when you can touch the life of the very person God puts in the seat next to you on a plain or bus!)

These are just to get you started!  With God, anything is possible!  Talk with Him today and be willing to let Him lead you on the amazing, fulfilling journey of being missional!

Blessings, Cheryl Fey



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