America received more shocking and dark news this past week as Hasbro, the maker of Mr. Potato Head, has announced that the long time toy has been made over. After seven decades, Mr. Potato has lost his manhood. And not only has he lost his manhood, he lost his womanhood too. Mr. Potato Head has now become gender neutral and will be simply known as “Potato Head.” In fact, a spokesman for Hasbro said, “The Potato Head Family kits will come with two “non-gendered ‘adult’ potatoes, one ‘baby’ potato, and 42 accessories.” “That will let the kids decided the parents’ gender, rather than being told they are ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’”
The reality of that breaking news story, my friends, is deeply disturbing and saddening. Those whose hearts are darkened and have wandered far from the life of God have lost all sensitivity and sensibility. America, a nation founded by a majority of Christians who sought to live out the gospel, has been hijacked by a group of demonized individuals who have been deceived by the Devil.
And like Jeremiah, in the season of Lent I lament our loss of Godly values and the deceit being foisted on our children. I invite you to join me in lament reading from Lamentations 3.
1I am a man who has suffered greatly. The Lord has used the Babylonians to punish my people…
17I have lost all hope of ever having any peace. I’ve forgotten what good times are like. 18So I say, “My glory has faded away. My hope in the Lord is gone.” 19I remember how I suffered and wandered. I remember how bitter my life was. 20I remember it very well. My spirit is very sad deep down inside me.
21But here is something else I remember. And it gives me hope. 22The Lord loves us very much. So we haven’t been completely destroyed. His loving concern never fails. 23His great love is new every morning. Lord, how faithful you are! 24I say to myself, “The Lord is everything I will ever need. So I will put my hope in him.” 25The Lord is good to those who put their hope in him. He is good to those who look to him. 26It is good when people wait quietly for the Lord to save them.
27It is good for a man to carry a heavy load of suffering while he is young. 28Let him sit alone and not say anything. The Lord has placed that load on him. 29Let him bury his face in the dust. There might still be hope for him. 30Let him turn his cheek toward those who would slap him. Let him be filled with shame. 31The Lord doesn’t turn his back on people forever. 32He might bring suffering. But he will also show loving concern. How great his faithful love is! 33He doesn’t want to bring pain or suffering to anyone….
37Suppose people order something to happen. It won’t happen unless the Lord has planned it. 38Troubles and good things alike come to people because the Most High God has commanded them to come. 39A person who is still alive shouldn’t blame God when God punishes them for their sins.
40Let’s take a good look at the way we’re living. Let’s return to the Lord. 41Let’s lift up our hands to God in heaven. Let’s pray to him with all our hearts. 42Let’s say, “We have sinned. We’ve refused to obey you. And you haven’t forgiven us….
55Lord, I called out to you. I called out from the bottom of the pit. 56I prayed, “Please don’t close your ears to my cry for help.” And you heard my appeal. 57You came near when I called out to you. You said, “Do not be afraid.”
Father, I praise you for making a potato gender neutral. And I praise you for your original “Equality Act.” I praise you that you created mankind in your own image, in the image of God you created us, male and female you created us. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful. I know that full well!
So, do not be afraid,
Mike Altena