By the time you read this article, you might already be tired of celebrating the 150th anniversary of Luverne, especially considering the forecasts are calling for a really hot weekend. As I sit here writing this on Tuesday, however, I am excited to learn more about our history in the days ahead. Here are some of the questions I am curious to know…
- What was life like for the settlers in Rock County 150 years ago?
- What part did faith play in the lives of those who founded Luverne?
- What are some of the most memorable parts of our history such as natural disasters, funny stories, memorable characters, or the impact of national/int’l events?
The last few days did you find some of the answers to those questions or other questions you yourself were wondering? Was there any way you saw God at work in the formation and development of this community? No doubt many of the early settlers to Luverne sensed a divine calling to do something new for God, sort of like Israel long ago:
Numbers 14:8-9 “If the LORD is pleased with us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us–a land which flows with milk and honey. “Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people…the LORD is with us.”
Even before the people entered the Promised Land they were aware that temptation would come along with the blessings, and before too long this warning was forgotten. A generation or two later, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25), which included a lot of regrettable stuff. How do you think we would measure up in comparison? I wonder if the early settlers to Luverne were both excited about the prospect of plentiful, fertile land and yet apprehensive of the effect the lure of wealth and prosperity might have on their descendants. Even if that concept did cross their minds, no doubt they had no clue what life would be like 150 years later!
This afternoon we will gather for the Community Worship Service to celebrate God’s faithfulness to Luverne over the past 150 years, but we will also begin to look to the future and imagine how God may lead us as a church, as Christians, and as a community. I believe we have benefitted so much from the vision and faith of our ancestors who established communities like Luverne. As Jesus said to his disciples, “Others have done the hard work, and you have benefited from their labor.” (John 4:38)
Now the time has come to look beyond simply providing for our families, enjoying freedom to worship, and living a comfortable life. The time has come to repent of ways in which we have conformed to the worldliness around us, receive a fresh vision from the Holy Spirit, and leverage our abundant resources to boldly expand God’s kingdom in Luverne, SW Minnesota, and to the ends of the Earth. For God’s glory, may they look back during the 300th anniversary celebration some day and celebrate our generation for being spiritual visionaries on par with the early settlers to Rock County!
Cory Grimm