Reckless Love

This week our family has been reflecting on the events of Holy Week. It has been interesting to hear the different pieces of the story each family member has connected with. For myself, I have been meditating on the love Jesus has for me that ultimately held him to the cross. At any moment He could have tapped out and said, “No more, I’m done. It’s her turn!” But He didn’t.

The song “Reckless Love” has been part of my daily worship and as I have sat listening and soaking in the words, my heart has become overwhelmed by the depth of His love for me. A few lines from the song are “I couldn’t earn it, and I don’t deserve it, still, You give Yourself away. Oh the overwhelming, never ending, reckless love of God.”

While working on Sunday School Curriculum, I ran into this story. It’s not a story found in the Bible, although I believe it’s a great way to help us understand what Jesus did for us and His incredible love. The story is called “Grandmother’s Needle.”

Tommy lived with his Grandmother. Tommy loved his grandmother and she loved him. But Tommy had a bad habit of stealing. Tommy’s Grandmother punished him again and again for stealing, but Tommy just couldn’t stop stealing.

One day, Tommy’s grandmother said, “Tommy, I love you too much to let you continue doing this. The next time you come home with things that do not belong to you, I am going to take one of these knitting needles and heat it in a real hot fire. I am going to burn your hand so badly that you will never forget it.”

Eventually, Tommy forgot what grandmother had said and started stealing again. He came home with pockets stuffed with things he had stolen. He tried to hide his stolen goods, but his grandmother caught him.

“Where did you get these things?” demanded Grandmother. Tommy refused to answer her. “Tell me, Tommy, where did you get these things?” Grandmother asked again. Still Tommy wouldn’t answer. “You have been stealing again,” said Grandmother. “You know what I told you. You know that I try to keep my word.” Grandmother got her metal knitting needle and put in into the fire. When it was red hot, she called Tommy to her and said, “Son, hold out your hand.”

Tommy was trembling as he held out his hand, but he knew that he had done wrong. He knew that he deserved to be punished. Grandmother paused a moment and said, “Son, I want you to see the seriousness of your stealing. You deserve this punishment, but I love you so much that I am going to take your punishment for you.” With that, Grandma dropped Tommy’s hand. She took the red-hot knitting needle, and burned her own hand very badly. Holding out her burned hand, she said, “Look at my hand, Tommy. This is what your stealing cost me.”

Tommy said, “That ended my stealing. I saw how much Grandmother loved me and I saw what my sin had cost her.”

And so I leave you with this image today as you peer into the empty tomb. I pray you feel the overwhelming, reckless love of God. His Son, Jesus, has made a full and complete payment for you. What a gift of love.

Overwhelmed by His love,

Becky Ossefoort


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