Often times on social media you will find a photo or a story that has gone viral. One of the latest photos was that of a drive thru window with a few young men holding hands with an individual in a car. It caught my eye because of what appeared to be three or four men in a bear hug, hanging outside the small drive thru window. Apparently the person waiting for her coffee in her car behind found it interesting too, because she snapped a picture. The story to go with the picture goes something like this:
A woman pulled up to grab her cup of coffee in tears. An employee exchanged a few words with her and learned her 37-year-old husband had just passed away. Upon learning this, the employee said “There’s nothing more you need to say. We got this. We’re going to do what we do every time we get someone who’s in pain or hurt. We’re going to give them our love.” They did just that as they all stood and prayed for her and then invited her to come back for prayer and support, as well as anything else that she might need. They didn’t make any excuses or worry about the customers waiting behind her; they were simply obedient and prayed with her.
I nearly scrolled by this photo without giving it any thought, but I am glad I was able to read what they had done. It did cause me to wonder why we do not witness more of this in our world. Why is that? Could it be you and I are not taking those small moments in time because we are scared, or we should mind our own business? I know many who reach out to the hurting without thinking about it, and it warms my heart. But how many of these opportunities are we missing out on because we refuse to listen or don’t think we can do it?
For a long time I did not think I could take those opportunities because I did not know my scripture well enough, I was not comfortable praying in front of others, and I did not want to make them feel bad (Make them feel bad? They are already crying!) Perhaps my favorite excuse of all time – I was taught to mind my own business. Yes, my list of “not now Lord” was nearly endless and I was quick to grab one.
The truth is God has programed us all with the ability to do His work. God’s Word tells us this in 1 John 4:13 “This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.” God’s Spirit is within each of us, and we should obediently use what He has given us. God will use you to show His love everywhere, but you must allow Him to do so. It could be at the coffee shop, while strolling down the street, or even at work. Let it never be said of us that we did not take the opportunities God gave us to shine Christ’s light in this dark and dreary world. Rather we took the moment in time to be still and let His love flow through us.
“The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8
Go and be used by God! I had the opportunity to pray with the person that came to service my vehicle just the other day. There are so many opportunities with each new morning. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Sit in the school parking lot and pray for our school and those within. Stop in and visit someone who could use encouragement. Volunteer to read with a child at school or help with homework club. Sign up to help someone in need at ATLAS or volunteer at Redeemed Remnants. While at work, ask your co-worker how they really are. Whatever you do, seek out God’s plan for your time in that place.
Go shine your light,
Becky Ossefoort