Synod Summary

Although we know God’s sovereign plan of redemption is always unfolding according to his good pleasure, this year’s General Synod meeting felt very conflicted primarily because of the discussion on human sexuality. In addition, it felt very politicized as several groups championed their cause on other issues within the RCA. Below is a brief summary of what happened at the General Synod this year in Chicago; more can be found on the RCA website.

In regards to the issue on human sexuality, General Synod 2016 adopted as constitutional the “Order for Christian Marriage” liturgy, which describes marriage as “a joyful covenanting between a man and a woman.” The vote elevates the 2002 liturgy to constitutional status if it is approved by two-thirds of the RCA’s 44 classes over the coming year. The decision also needs to be ratified at General Synod 2017. The recommendation arose out of the report of the special council on human sexuality that took place in April. Other recommendations from the special council were discussed at length and not approved.

On the final day, delegates called for a change to the Book of Church Order (BCO), mandating that consistories or governing bodies “shall assure that marriages in a church or congregation are between a man and a woman.” The change must be approved by two-thirds of RCA classes and ratified at General Synod 2017 before it is added to the BCO.

In addition, General Synod also passed a resolution to “reject all forms of mockery, degrading words and thoughts, economic oppression, abuse, threats, and violence against members of the LGBTQ+ community,” regardless of position on the “moral status of same-sex behavior.” The resolution called on anyone involved in such behavior to “repent and immediately begin walking in obedience to Jesus’ command to love.”

General Synod delegates also voted “to declare that the RCA does not support the use of reorientation/reparative therapy but does affirm the power of the Holy Spirit to transform all lives.”

In other business:

  • RCA general secretary Tom De Vries delivered his report, calling synod to act with love. He said the RCA’s impact will be greater “if we journey together as God’s people who have been called for God’s purposes.”
  • Synod approved president Evan Vermeer’s proposal to develop a way for churches that are financially healthy to partner with churches that have fewer resources.
  • Synod set the 2017 per-member assessment at $52.23. These funds support the work of the synod, denominational ministries, theological education, the Board of Benefits Services assistance program, and other initiatives approved at synod. Delegates set the 2017 Partner-in-Mission (PIM) share at $6,400; PIM shares fund the work of mission coworkers around the world.
  • Synod elected Dan Gillett as president and Lee DeYoung as vice president. Gillett is lead pastor of First Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan. Lee DeYoung is an elder at Hager Park Reformed Church in Jenison, Michigan
  • Synod celebrated the organization of eight new RCA churches, presenting the new churches with plaques that commemorate their organization. The RCA has also approved plans for 22 new church plants, in locations ranging from Detroit to Nashville, since General Synod 2015.

Despite the battle between good and evil, you and I can remain hopeful and excited about our future. For as Jesus said, “I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it.”

May His Kingdom come, Mike Altena


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