It was very quiet at our house a week ago. Kaylie was on her trip to Florida with the Luverne Cardinal Marching Band (Go Band!) and Austin was at Inspiration Hills Bible Camp with a friend experiencing God’s richness among the rolling hills. This left the youngest, Evan, at home alone with Mom and Dad’s undivided attention – and he loved every minute of it.
One of the highlights of Evan’s week was Josh cutting hay in the field south of our farm. While Evan may be the littlest farmer at our place, he is more than happy to help with the big jobs. I was doing some landscaping one evening when Evan emerged from the barn after feeding his freshly weened bottle calves. From the barn door he naturally fell into step behind Josh who was walking across the yard. They both walked past me and continued several yards out into the hay field looking as though they were on some type of mission. I continued with my work, but kept an eye on the two of them for the sake of curiosity. The big farmer bent down and grabbed a handful of drying grass and just like that the small farmer did the same. When the big farmer bent and twisted the bundle, the small farmer mimicked every move. Eventually the big farmer threw all but one blade down, stripped a piece off and stuck the end in his mouth; and in the blink of an eye, the little one followed suit. As they chewed on their grass they strolled towards me in perfect step with each other. I just smiled as my heart was blessed watching the precious moment. It was as though Josh was teaching Evan the trick of the trade just like he had been taught by his father and grandfather many years ago.
I was reminded of this scene above while I was listening to Ken’s message this past Sunday. We as parents have much to teach and share with our children. As we do this, it is very important we show our children the world through the lens of the Bible. Ken encouraged parents to check out Christian Research Institute to find biblical perspective on science. I, too, recently ran across a little hidden gem on a webpage I have visited several times. On the page is a small, nearly unnoticeable tab about “Creation Vacations” ( The beginning of the page reads this “Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us we are to talk about God’s Word everywhere we go. Vacations should be no exception. Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum. Places with secular propaganda can easily be turned into learning opportunities, as we learn to separate truth from error. With some preparation, you and your family can enjoy a purpose-filled vacation as you gain a better appreciation for the Creator who made all things.” Listed on the same page you will find many articles with information about places to visit right here in the United States – some are even relatively close to home!
So if you find yourself preparing for a little adventure this summer, be sure to do a little research before you leave so you can point out God’s great creation and truth as you travel. Kids are full of questions about all sorts of topics and soak in what they learn. If you do not plan to travel this summer do a little research on one of their interests (i.e. dinosaurs) “from a biblical perspective”. I promise your child’s eyes will light up as you learn together and connect the dots back to the Creator of all things.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9
Happy Exploring! Becky Ossefoort