Hymns are better than praise songs—green farm equipment is better than red equipment—American Reformed Church is a better name than _________________ – who would make the best president—there are many things that cause divisions, hard feelings, and negative actions.
So why are we so quick to decide we know who or what is best for everyone? We all have opinions, and that’s great until we find someone who disagrees with us. Then we often find people who would agree with us to prove our thinking is correct. This kind of action often causes divisions and problems which can hurt others.
Jesus prayer in John 17 was that “all of them (us) may be one.” Jesus continued by praying, “May they (we) be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” Jesus had an eternal perspective for us to see.
We all need to push through disagreements because there are larger issues. So what might be more important than green vs. red equipment? What are things that we can agree that make eternal differences?
Jesus was born—He lived on earth—He shard God’s love with the world—He was crucified and died on a cross—Jesus rose again and defeated sin and death—and we can share this story with others who do not know.
We are people with eternal perspective, people who recognize that there are more important issues than colors or names. We know that “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”
I’m thankful that we don’t all think the same way. Thank God for our diversity as a congregation. We’re not all men, not all older, not all farmers, not all with the same talents, but we could have the same goal. We could be a people who love Jesus and want to share that love with others. They know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they know we are Christians by our love. Love for each other as well as love for our neighbors, our co-workers, and for the world.
George H. Bonnema