June 7-11, 8:30 AM-Noon
Online registration opens May 9 at!
All students Age 3 (born before September 2017) through Grade 5 are invited to join us for a free adventure on Rocky Railway! Deadline to register is May 30; registration is limited. No late registrations or walk-ins will be accepted.
Helpers: Grade 6 through adults are welcome to help with many opportunities at VBS. Volunteer signups and other information are available on the VBS table outside the Worship Center.
Donations: A list of specific snack items is posted on the VBS table. Sign up for any items that you would like to donate to help make this a successful week. All items may be placed in the tote beneath the table.
Breakroom Snacks: If you are willing to provide snacks for our teachers and helpers throughout the week, sign up at the VBS table. All snacks must be nut-free, and pre-packaged or individually portioned; purchased or homemade.