Where Your Treasure Is

ARC Family,

Below you will find a few snippets from our most recent post on the H.I.M. (Haitian International Missions) blog. It comes from some teaching by Zacharie, the director of the ministry. He is an amazing and godly man. Please take a few moments to soak in his insights on wealth and faith… to read more go to www.ouradventuresinhaiti.blogspot.com

Cory Grimm

1. Where your treasure is your heart will be also (Matthew 6:19-21)

…A treasure might be a person or an object that has great value in our eyes. God wants us to give him our (whole) heart. Therefore if we keep thinking of other things and forget God, we put God out of our life. It is not bad if you love your friends or family, but sometimes focusing on them too much can turn your heart away from God… It is the true sense of these Bible verses that we should not seek earthly things, but heavenly treasure. What treasure would you like to choose: earthly treasure or heavenly treasure? Unfortunately we can’t choose both…

2. No one can serve God and material things or the devil at the same time (verses 22-24)

…Those who trust in material things always think that the things of the earth are the greatest parts of life. They don’t know it is impossible to serve two masters at the same time. When your work compromises your spiritual life, that is materialism, because many people neglect their spiritual work to focus on material things. Some are too busy to study the Bible or pray to God because they choose to serve money instead of God…

3. We must not become anxious about our needs (verses 25-32)

These verses help us put material things in their proper perspective. Why do people look so energetically for money and the things money can buy?

1- To satisfy their desires and…

2- To find security

These reasons, neither one nor the other is acceptable for a Christian. The Christian must find deliverance of his desires or he will not be a Christian for long. A Christian finds his security in God through faith in His Word, and not in his earthly possessions or wealth.

4. It is much more important to be just than to be rich. (verse 33-34)

The last two verses conclude by stating that the most important thing we can do is to seek first the kingdom and righteousness of God. The material interests are not as important as the spiritual interests. We expect to live much longer in eternity than here on earth. Is it not absurd to amass earthly security at the expense of your heavenly treasures? These verses tell us that if we seek first the kingdom of God, all the things we need will be added to us as well.



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